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Electrical and Computer Engineering

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The Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is regarded as an interdisciplinary research department with research specialization including information security, communications energy, health care, and national security.

Information on admission requirements, financial assistance, and academic policies and procedures as a student in ECE can be found in the Graduate Handbook.

Renewable Energy Certificate

Man and woman looking out at horizon where large wind turbines are aligned.

To break the nation’s heavy dependence on carbon-based fuel, efforts are underway to significantly increase the use of renewable energy sources (e.g., solar and wind). The potential widespread use of renewable resources represents a major paradigm shift for the electric power industry (i.e., centralized power generation substantially augmented by distributed generation). It is widely recognized by both the electric utilities and governmental policymakers that this paradigm shift requires that the current power grid be revised considerably to be smarter (e.g., integrated communications, advanced components/sensors, novel control methods, etc.).

The demand for engineers with knowledge in energy-related areas is on the rise. For example, power companies are searching for new employees who can help them integrate renewable forms of energy into the grid; furthermore, power companies are searching for ways to enhance the energy-related skill set of their existing employees.

To address these issues, the Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has developed a Renewable Energy certificate program comprised of three undergraduate level ECE courses, which are available online as well as being taught on campus. This program was developed to allow industrial personnel to broaden their knowledge in renewable energy generation and is also open to qualified Clemson students. Undergraduates at other institutions will also be considered for entry into the certificate program. These students may also be able to use these courses to satisfy requirements at their home institution, subject, of course, to the approval of the home institution.

The certificate courses can be used to help satisfy the continuing education requirements for Registered Professional Engineers in many states.

  • Program Courses

    The renewable energy certificate program consists of three classes in the areas of solar power, wind power, and grid penetration. This certificate program is intended for students who already possess a basic knowledge of DC and AC circuit theory (i.e., Kirchhoff's Laws, complex frequency, and Laplace transforms).

    A requirement for entering this program is a B.S. degree in an engineering field or physics, plus course-specific prerequisites and corequisites for each course. Applications from persons who have not satisfied the degree requirements or the prerequisite/corequisite requirements will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the ECE Variance Committee. A grade of C or better is required for all courses used to satisfy the requirements of this certificate program.

    ECE 4200 Renewable Energy Penetration on the Power Grid 3(3,0) - Introduces the basic definitions of electrical power, interfacing primary sources, generator/load characteristics, and renewable energy resources. Topics include solar energy grid interfacing, wind energy grid interfacing, battery charging/management, harmonic distortion, voltage sags, and national standards.
    Preq: ECE 2070 – Basic Electrical Engineering or ECE 3200 – Electronics I with a C or better.

    ECE 4570 Fundamentals of Wind Power 3(3,0) – Introduces wind turbine systems, including wind energy potential and application to power generation. Topics include wind energy principles, wind site assessment, wind turbine components, power generation machinery control systems, connection to the electric grid, and maintenance. May also be offered as ME 4570.
    Preq: ECE 2070 – Basic Electrical Engineering or ECE 3200 – Electronics I with a C or better.

    ECE 4610 Fundamentals of Solar Energy 3(3,0) – Introduces solar energy conversion systems. Topics include environmental benefits of solar energy, solar thermal systems, concentration solar power, photovoltaic (PV) cell design and manufacturing, sizing of PV systems, hybrid photovoltaic/thermal systems, energy storage, and urban/rural applications.
    Preq: ECE 3200 – Electronics I with a C or better.

    In order to take ECE 3200 - Electronics I, which is the prerequisite for ECE 4610 and which can serve as the prerequisite for ECE 4200 and 4570, students must have completed the following courses:

    ECE 2620 - Electric Circuits II
    MATH 2080 - Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
    PHYS 2210 - Physics with Calculus II

    If you are not already a Clemson student, we will need to perform an evaluation of your background to make sure that you are suitably prepared to take the certificate courses before you formally apply for this program. Please send a transcript showing completion of the above three courses (or their equivalents) and any additional supporting evidence that you have the necessary background for this program. Please send this information via email to Patty McNulty, ECE Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator. After our evaluation, we will reach out to you about the next steps.

  • Applying if you are not a student at any college

    The following information is for applicants who are not students at Clemson or at any other school:

    Before formally applying, if you have any questions about the program and its requirements, please send an email to Patty McNulty, Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator.

    A. Go to the application page to Apply for Special Student Status (button: Clemson Application).

    1. First-Time Users: select “Create Your Account.” 

    2.  Select "Start New Application" and then Non Degree from the dropdown menu.

    3. After answering all questions on this form, click on “Save”, then “Continue.”)  This will take you to a link to the Special Student Application)

    4. On the 2nd page of the Special Student Application, in response to:  “I am participating in the following special program of study,”  enter: “Renewable Energy Certificate.”

    5. After entering all other requested information on this form, click on “Save” and then  “Submit” at the bottom of the form.  After your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by the ECE Department and/or the Admissions Office.

    B. To Enter the Renewable Energy Certificate Program After Acceptance as a Special Student:

    1. Complete the Undergraduate Certificate Application for the Plan of Study.

    You will need the following information:

    • Certificate Name: Renewable Energy Certificate
    • Certificate Code: CERT-RENE-F CERTU
    • Certificate Program Director: Carl Baum, ECE Undergraduate Program Coord.

    2. Sign the completed Undergraduate Application for the Plan of Study form and return it to Patty McNulty, Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator, who is located in 104-A Riggs Hall. Patty McNulty may also be reached via email.

    3. The Certificate Program Director will sign the form and return it to Enrolled Student Services in 104 Sikes Hall.

    4. Upon receipt, Enrolled Student Services will send an Undergraduate Certificate Plan of Study form to the department.

    5. With the help of the Certificate Program Director, fill out this form. The ECE Certificate Program Director will sign as advisor and the form will retained in the ECE Department until you complete all courses required by the certificate program. 

    C. After all courses have been completed, the Certificate Program Director will send the signed Undergraduate Certificate Plan of Study form back to Enrolled Student Services. 

    1. Enrolled Student Services will validate completion of the certificate program and update your transcript accordingly.

    2. The Certificate Program Director/ECE Department will be responsible for both printing and issuance of the certificate.

  • Applying if you are a student at another college

    The following information is for applicants who are students at a school other than Clemson:

    Before applying, we will need to determine the appropriate student category: Special Student or Transient Student.

    Students enrolled at a university other than Clemson who wish to enter the Renewable Energy Certificate Program at Clemson should contact Patty McNulty, Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator, to discuss your plans and devise the best direction for you.

  • Applying if you are a Clemson student

    How to apply for the Renewable Energy Certificate if you are a Clemson student:

    (As an undergraduate student, you must first complete a Certificate Program Request Form if you want to enter this certificate program since it was approved at the “post-baccalaureate” level.  This form is available from Patty McNulty in 104-A Riggs Hall.). 

    A. If your request is approved, then proceed as follows: 

    1. Complete the Undergraduate Certificate Application for the Plan of Study

    You will need the following information:

    • Certificate Name: Renewable Energy Certificate
    • Certificate Code: CERT-RENE-F CERTU
    • Certificate Program Director: Carl Baum

    2. Once you have filled out and signed this form, return it to Patty McNulty, located in 104-A Riggs Hall, who will then obtain the Certificate Program Director's signature and route the form to Enrolled Student Services.

    3. Upon receipt, Enrolled Student Services personnel will send an Undergraduate Certificate Plan of Study form to the ECE Certificate Program Director. Patty will contact you in order to fill out the Plan of Study form and obtain the signature of your advisor. You will then return it to Patty and this form will be retained in the ECE Department until you complete all courses required by the certificate program.

    B. After all courses have been completed, the Certificate Program Director will send the signed Undergraduate Certificate Plan of Study form back to Enrolled Student Services in 104 Sikes Hall.

    1. Enrolled Student Services will validate completion of the certificate program and update your transcript accordingly.

    2. The Certificate Program Director/ECE Department will be responsible for both printing and issuance of the certificate.

    If you have any questions, contact Patty McNulty, Undergraduate Student Services Coordinator, to discuss your plans and questions.

Apply Now

The Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is regarded as an interdisciplinary research department with research specialization including information security, communications energy, health care, and national security.

Information on admission requirements, financial assistance, and academic policies and procedures as a student in ECE can be found in the Graduate Handbook.