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Electrical and Computer Engineering

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The Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is regarded as an interdisciplinary research department with research specialization including information security, communications energy, health care, and national security.

Information on admission requirements, financial assistance, and academic policies and procedures as a student in ECE can be found in the catalog and advising.

ABET LogoThe Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria.

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria.

View Accreditation

ECE Summer Program

A student and faculty member sit facing computers.

The Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers various courses over the summer terms, all of which are online and streamable.

Taking a course over the summer term can help you: Stay on track and graduate on time, lighten your load for the Fall or Spring terms, focus on a challenging or exciting course, and learn from anywhere!

Undergraduate Clemson Students: Was one of your semesters a little harder, and you would like to catch up? Or do you want to get ahead and possibly graduate early? We have various course options to meet your needs.

Enrollment for CU students begins in April via iRoar. The Summer Calendar details important academic dates.

Transient Students: Are you wanting to continue your education by taking online classes that might not be offered during the summer at your home institution? Classes and testing are entirely online, without needing to visit campus.

Undergraduate students in good standing at Regionally Accredited Institutions in the United States who wish to enroll in summer classes at Clemson University can apply as transient students.

ECE Summer Features

  • Lectures can be streamed and watched at any time.
  • Class materials can be downloaded.
  • Students may test on campus or remotely with a proctor.
  • Communicate with professors via phone, email, and web chats.
Summer Session Information
  • What Summer Courses are offered?
    Chemical Engineering
    Summer Courses
    Course Session
    ECE 2020 - Electric Circuits I Summer I
    ECE 2720 - Computer Organization Summer I
    ECE 3200 - Electronics I Summer I
    ECE 3300 - Signals, Systems, and Transforms Summer I
    ECE 3710 - Microcontroller Interfacing Summer I
    ECE 3800 - Electromagnetics Summer I
    ECE 4090 - Introduction to Linear Control Systems Summer I
    ECE 4570 - Fundamentals of Wind Power Summer I
    ECE 2010 - Logic and Computing Devices Summer II
    ECE 2070 - Basic Electrical Engineering Summer II
    ECE 2620 - Electric Circuits II Summer II
    ECE 3170 - Random Signal Analysis Summer II
    ECE 3210 - Electronics II Summer II
    ECE 3520 - Programming Systems Summer II
    ECE 3810 - Fields, Waves, and Circuits Summer II
    ECE 4270 - Communication Systems Summer II
    ECE 4550 - Robot Manipulators Summer II
    ECE 2210 - Python Programming Summer Long
    ECE 2220 - C and Unix Programming Summer Long
    ECE 3220 - Introduction to Operating Systems* Summer Long

    *Courses Require Live Steaming: Students must participate in live, online video-streaming lectures held on TWR from 11:30 am-12:45 pm.

    View example syllabi for courses offered during Summer Sessions I, II and Long Summer.

    Summer Course Syllabi
  • What are the important details for summer online ECE courses?


    Where can I find the syllabus and the academic calendar for the summer?

    You can also find past syllabi in Clemson's Syllabus Repository. The academic calendar is located on the registrar's Academic Calendar page.

    What are the dates of the summer sessions?

    Summer Sessions:
    Session I: May 13 - June 20, 2025
    Session II: June 27 - August 5, 2025
    Long Summer: May 13 - August 5, 2025
    You can find a listing of which courses are offered in each session, as well as sample syllabi, on the course syllabi page.

    How do I access my course material?

    Course materials are posted on Clemson's Canvas course management system. Log in with your Clemson user ID and password.

    What are the proctor and testing policies for ECE's online courses?

    Students should consult the official syllabus for each course and ensure they are prepared to meet the instructor's testing and proctor policies.  In some cases, using a certified academic testing center will be required. Some instructors will be using video proctoring through Respondus. In such cases, a Respondus-compatible webcam and microphone are required.  Due to testing requirements, for the duration of the course, students must reside within 3 time zones of the Eastern US time zone.

    Registering and Payment

    I received my acceptance notification. How do I register for classes?

    Summer course registration for Summer Sessions begins April 17, 2025. You will be cleared to register for classes by signing into Clemson's iROAR student information system (Student 〉 Registration 〉 Add or Drop Classes). You must be on the Clemson Network to access iROAR.

    Please refer to the training resources for student registration found on the registrar's website. If you have trouble adding or dropping courses, the ECE Department can assist you. Please contact the ECE registration coordinator, Alyssa Accuosti, if you need help enrolling in a specific course.

    What are the tuition fees and payment deadlines?

    Tuition for Summer:
    • $702 per credit hour (academic fee)
    • Information Technology Fee: $10 per credit hour
    • Library Fee: $10 per credit hour
    • Summer School Fee: $5 per Summer Session
    • Software License Fee: $11 Summer 1 and/or Summer 2 or $22 Long Summer

    Student Financial Services has information on paying your bill. You will also find information on due dates and payment plans. 
    Payment for all summer classes is due before the First Summer begins. Please check the official fee payment deadlines.  

    What are the refund policies?

    Students are encouraged to sign up for eRefunds to receive refunds via direct deposit.
    Tuition refunds will be given only according to the published refund schedule on the Clemson Student Financial Services refunds website.

  • I am a transient student. How do I take classes at Clemson?

    I am a student at another university. How do I apply to take online ECE courses at Clemson this summer?

    To apply as a transient student, please follow the steps listed and submit the transient student application as instructed on the registrar's website.

    First: Complete the Transient Student Application and pay the $40 application fee. Instructions for payment are provided in the online application.
    During: Check course syllabi before applying and consult your home institution about credit transfer before enrolling.
    After: Acceptance notifications are emailed to the address provided on the application. The email will contain your Clemson User ID, CUID number and temporary password, along with information on how to register for classes.

    How do I access my Clemson University email account?

    For assistance, visit CCIT's New Students website. If you are enrolled in a course at Clemson, you must access and review your Clemson email regularly, starting no later than the first day of the course session.

    How do I transfer the Clemson course credits to my home institution?

    Please contact your home institution for instructions on how to transfer credits. Ideally, this should be done before the course begins, as it is possible that a particular home institution may not give a course the kind of credit that a student expects. Typically, the home institution wants to see a sample syllabus. Upon completion of the course, the home institution will then want an official transcript. Information on ordering an official Clemson transcript can be found on the Student Records - Transcripts page.

    I have enrolled as a transient student and need to add or drop courses - how can I get help with this process?

    If you have been enrolled as a transient student and later need to add or drop courses, you may encounter problems with prerequisite or other course requirements in our registration system. Please contact the ECE registration coordinator, Alyssa Accuosti

Apply Now

The Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is regarded as an interdisciplinary research department with research specialization including information security, communications energy, health care, and national security.

Information on admission requirements, financial assistance, and academic policies and procedures as a student in ECE can be found in the catalog and advising.

ABET LogoThe Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria.

The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering Programs Program Criteria.

View Accreditation