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Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is one of the largest and most active at Clemson. Our faculty's diverse research expertise crosses disciplines, often partnering with other departments and colleges within the university.

Photonics, Electronics and Quantum Systems

Research in photonics, electronics and quantum systems focuses on the applications of material science to electronic system design.  These systems consider the effects at the nanoscale of physics, electromagnetism, and light.  Innovative designs improve sensing, circuit design and efficiency, signal transmission and amplification, and quantum computation.  Students in this area are well-prepared for jobs in semiconductors, solid-state electronics, nanotechnology, medical imaging, and material engineering.

Associated Faculty

Liang Dong | Rod Harrell | Goutam KoleyJudson Ryckman | Rajendra Singh | Pingshan Wang | Hai Xiao | Lianfeng Zhao | Lin Zhu

Research Topics

  1. 1. Advanced optical fibers
  2. 2. Bio-electronics, bio-photonics, and bio-sensors
  3. 3. Diffractive and meta-optics
  4. 4. High power lasers
  5. 5. Integrated photonics circuits
  6. 6. Material, device, and semiconductor fabrication
  7. 7. Manufacturing of advanced circuits
  1. 8. Microwave systems
  2. 9. Optical signal processing
  3. 10. Optoelectronics
  4. 11. Organic electronic materials and devices
  5. 12. Quantum materials and devices
  6. 13. Sensors and instrumentation
  7. 14. Sensors for off-road vehicle autonomy

Graduate Courses

Research within the Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering falls within six areas of interest. For each field, there are recommended classes that prepare you for successful completion of the program.

Please select your area of interest:

  • Organic electronic materials and devices
  • Electromagnetism
  • Solid state nanoelectronics
  • Bioelectronics
  • Photonics
  • Material, device and integrated circuit fabrication
  • Clear
Fall Spring
ECE 6040 Semiconductor Devices ECE 6080 Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits
ECE 6060 Introduction to Microelectronics Processing ECE 6320 Instrumentation
ECE 6340 Optoelectronics and Photonics ECE 6330 Optical Fiber Communication Systems
ECE 6360 Microwave Circuits ECE 6370 Microelectromechanical Systems
ECE 6590 Integrated Circuit Design ECE 6460 Antennas and Propagation
ECE 6610 Fundamentals of Solar Energy ECE 6580 Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation
ECE 8090 CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit Design ECE 8230 Integrated Circuit Technology
ECE 8120 Advanced Electronic Materials and Devices ECE 8260 Solar Cells
ECE 8290 Special Functions in Engineering ECE 8300 Electromagnetics
ECE 8330 Fourier Optics and Optical Signal Processing ECE 8370 Advanced Fiber Optics
ECE 8270 * Finite Difference Time Domain Methods ECE 8400 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
(*) class not offered every year

Full syllabi can be found on our Graduate Course Syllabi page

The Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is one of the largest and most active at Clemson. Our faculty's diverse research expertise crosses disciplines, often partnering with other departments and colleges within the university.