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Electrical and Computer Engineering

Academic Advising

Patty profile

Patty McNulty

Manager/Advisor/Student Success Initiatives
104A Riggs Hall
(864) 656-5291

Alyssa Accuosti profile

Alyssa Accuosti

Registration Coordinator
102B Riggs Hall
Phone: (864) 656-3947

Academic Events

    Group of ECE senior design students in front of Watt

    Helping You to Succeed

    Within Holcombe's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the advisors are dedicated to helping you succeed in obtaining your undergraduate degree. Our advising program is designed to provide you with the support and resources you need to utilize tutoring and other study support, make informed decisions about your education and offerings beyond the classroom, and stay on track to graduation.

    Our website, iRoar, and the Clemson Catalog are valuable resources where you can find information on course offerings, degree requirements, and important announcements.

    If you ever have questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you every step of the way as you pursue your degree at Clemson University.

    ECE Advising FAQ
    • Find Your Advisors

      Meeting with Your Advisor

      All Clemson University undergraduate students must meet with an academic advisor at least once per semester. Most students will meet with an advisor the month before the start of registration to receive a PIN required to register for classes. To find your advisor, log in to iRoar, then select Student - Student Records - Degree Works - Academic Advisor. Students can make appointments with their ME advisor(s) using CU Navigate.

      EE AdvisorsCPE Advisors
      Navigate Student App

      Navigate Student is an app that Clemson University uses to help facilitate the academic advising process. This app can be used for appointment scheduling, viewing your class schedule, locating campus resources, generating to-do lists based on the academic calendar, creating reminders, and browsing other majors. The Navigate Student app can be downloaded via either the App Store or Google Play.

    • Registration and Curriculum Worksheet

      Curriculum Planning

      Clemson University's 8-semester study plan provides a clear roadmap to graduation, guaranteeing course availability and meeting prerequisite requirements. We understand that each student's academic path is unique, and therefore, some students with specialized interests or specific career goals may need to work with their advisor to develop tailored academic strategies that align with professional aspirations.

      EE Curriculum CPE Curriculum
      Prerequisite Flowcharts

      The Prereq Flowcharts pictured show the prerequisite requirements for ECE-required courses. ECE courses can be taken in any semester they are offered as long as a prerequisite and other requirements are satisfied.

      More detailed prerequisite and corequisite information can be found in the Academic Catalog and DegreeWorks ( iRoar > Student Self-Service > Student Records > DegreeWorks (Undergraduate Only)).

      Course Registration

      Registration occurs during the second half of each semester. See the University's Academic Calendar for more information.

      1. For your time ticket, go to your iRoar Student Profile ( iRoar > Student Self-Service > Student Records > iRoar Student Profile).
      2. In the top right corner of the page, click "Registration Notices" to see your time ticket.
      3. See the Registrar's time ticket schedule for a list of registration windows by registration priority group.

      The advising staff will provide information regarding scheduling pre-registration appointments. Students are also encouraged to schedule additional meetings, visit during the advisor’s posted office hours, and call or email as needed. The AuE Student Services team will send a list of AuE technical electives offered about two weeks before registration opens via email to the AuE student listserve.


      There are two deadlines for dropping classes. The first occurs one month into the semester and is the last date to drop without a record of enrollment in the class. The second occurs about ten weeks into the semester and is the last day to drop with a grade of "W." You should be fully aware of the consequences of class registration actions and should discuss these with your advisor, as needed.

    • Advising Forms

      Departmental Forms

      Curriculum Forms

      ECE Advising Worksheets for the current academic year. Any deviation from the recommended program of study should be discussed immediately with your Faculty Advisor or the ECE Student Services staff.

      Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering

      Prior advising sheets may be found at Prior EE and Prior CpE.

      Approval Forms

      ECE 4980 Approval Form - Research in Electrification of Transportation

      ECE 4050 Project Approval Form, ECE 4920 Approval Form - Independent Study and Special Design

      ECE H4910 Approval Form - Undergraduate Honors Research

      GS6 Form - Request for Senior Enrollment in Graduate Courses

      Variance Forms

      3rd Attempt (Appeal to Remain in Major)

      Variance – GPA< 2.0

      Variance – Miscellaneous

      College Academic Forms

      • Academic Forgiveness - requests are submitted via iRoar (iRoar > Student Self-Service > Student Records > Request Academic Forgiveness).
      • Approval of Credits to be Earned at Another School - the course will only count towards your degree requirements if approved as transferable to Clemson.
      • FERPA Release - students may choose to complete and submit a FERPA Release form to allow access or release of their educational record to a third party (e.g., parent or guardian).
      • Program Fee Waiver - students who are no longer pursuing engineering or computing degrees and cannot declare their intended major may apply for a Program Fee Waiver.
      View Academic Forms
    • Change of Major

      To declare Electrical or Computer Engineering as your major, you must have at least a 2.0 GPA and a 2.0 Engineering GPA and have completed the General Engineering core curriculum.

      If you are currently in an engineering discipline and are interested in switching to Electrical or Computer Engineering, a meeting with Patty McNulty is required. Patty can be reached via email or by scheduling a meeting by using CU Navigate. You can submit an Undergraduate Change of Program request in iROAR.

      If you are currently in a non-engineering major, you must first change your major to General Engineering. Since the ECE department strictly enforces prerequisites, we believe it is important that students understand the courses required each semester.

      To learn more, visit the General Engineering advising website.

      Change Major Information