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Clemson Hydrogeology Field Camp

Clemson Hydrogeology Field Camp

Our program is divided up into thematic modules.  Each module is composed of related activities and consists of four activity days followed by a synthesis day.  A report for each activity is due at the end of the synthesis day and consists of goals, methodology, data collected, analysis, and results.

We use an online hands-on approach where the content (what you would learn in the classroom) is delivered online, and the actual measurements are made in the field.  This approach necessitates that you acquire the pertinent knowledge needed to successfully complete the activity before you show up in the field.  Thus, you are expected to go online (ideally the night before) and:

(a)    Review the written descriptions and background material.

(b)    Watch the pre-recorded lecture(s)

(c)    Complete a quiz for which a passing grade is required.

In the field, the dedicated Teaching Assistant (a graduate student who has previously attended our camp) for that module briefs you on the activity, shows you how to use the equipment, and provides assistance as needed.  The instructors rotate among modules but are on-call to assist with any group.

The thematic modules consist of:

A presentation made about our program at the annual Geological Society of America meeting in October 2017 is available.