Driven By Curiosity
Breadth, individuality, and flexibility are inherent characteristics of the mechanical engineering profession. In a broad sense, mechanical engineers make significant contributions to creating products and systems that benefit everyone. From golf balls to aerospace, curiosity and ingenuity play a big role in shaping the future of everyday things.
Because science and technology are ever-changing, our program focuses on fundamental principles and modern tools. It emphasizes the fundamental engineering sciences as they apply to mechanical and thermal systems with applications in diverse areas, including energy, materials, transportation, health, manufacturing, and consumer products.

Career Paths
Students at Clemson are afforded many opportunities for global engagement, leading-edge research, and professional development. According to "The Princeton Review's" 2021 edition of its annual college guide, Clemson University is ranked #3 among the "Top 20 Public Best Schools for Internships," #2 Best Career Services nationally, and #11 for the Happiest Students. Our graduates work for companies like Michelin, GE Power, Duke Energy Corporation, Boeing, Techtronic Industries - TTI, ZF Group, and Jacobs Engineering Group.
- Mechanical Power Generation
- Internal Combustion Engines
- Jet Engines
- Rockets
- Thermodynamics
- Mechanical Design
- Robotics
- Sales and Marketing
- Consulting
- Research and Development
- Teaching
- Law
Schedule a Tour
The College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences invites prospective undergraduate students to visit campus to learn about the programs and facilities. The tours are led by students currently enrolled in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences. To register or learn more about our tours, visit the College's Tour Page. The Mechanical Engineering option is under the Academic Information on the tour request form.
For graduate program tours, please email the program contact. Allow 1-2 weeks' notice before visiting so that you may be able to meet faculty, current students, and attend some classes.
Undergrad Tour Graduate TourEngaging Research | Inspiring Mentors
Award-Winning Faculty
Committed to Excellence
Our internationally recognized faculty has significant experience in the industry, national research labs, or as fellows in professional engineering societies (ASME, SME, ANS, Presidential Faculty Fellows).
- 7 NSF grant recipients
- 6 NSF CAREER awardees
- 12 associate editors/members of the editorial boards of national/international journals
The faculty members are a dedicated group of engineering professionals, with currently seven out of twenty-three having received the prestigious National Science Foundation Career grant, many fellows of engineering societies, editors or associate editors of professional journals, and winners of very prestigious competitive grants.
“The most influential person to me here at Clemson has been my research advisor, Dr. Fadi Abdeljawad. I've had him for two courses taught here in the mechanical engineering department. And then I've been doing research with him since December of 2019, and he has just gone above and beyond for me in every regard, really, as a professor, as an advisor and a mentor. He's been more help than I ever could have asked for from anybody.”
Josh ArringtonMechanical Engineering '22

Significant Contributions
Adapting to Involving Needs
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson is one of the largest academic departments in South Carolina and a significant source of engineering graduates for the state and the nation. Our faculty is proud of its significant contributions to the development of knowledge and educational innovations in Mechanical Engineering. We undergo continuous improvement to adapt to the evolving needs of the profession but remain committed to excellence in research, education, and service to society.
“He’s [Joshua Bostwick], a big reason I stuck around to get a Ph.D. It’s his enthusiasm for the topic and engagement with the students. You get the feeling he’s not just your advisor, he’s your collaborator.”
Chase GabbardPh.D. student, Bostwick Group

Advancing Research
World-Class Research Centers
Clemson University is a premier public research university equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and provides access to world-class research centers.
- The Zucker Family Graduate Education Center in Charleston
- The Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research
- The SCE&G Energy Innovation Center
Manufacturing accounts for a sizable slice of South Carolina’s economy — about 17 percent — making a $37 billion impact on the state annually. For manufacturers and the state’s economy to continue expanding, the industry must have access to new technologies and the ability to implement new manufacturing innovations into their production. In partnership with the Center for Advanced Manufacturing, the University has focused its educational offerings on advanced manufacturing — to provide both education and real-world training for engineers in manufacturing fields and the manufacturers who will employ them.
“The classes and facilities are integrated so that as a project is started in the shop, it aligns with the curriculum of almost every class, allowing us to directly apply theory. The professional environment mimics industry well, and it helps create valuable connections.”
Lucas MorandPh.D. Student, FRAME Lab
Culture & Leadership
Making the World a Better Place
Martinez-Duarte is driven by a desire to make the world a better place. It’s a sense of responsibility that was fostered by his parents while growing up in Sinaloa, Mexico. His father influenced his interest in engineering, and his mother always encouraged him “to persevere towards my goals, to enjoy hard work and always strive for my best work,” he says. These are principles he strives to pass on to his mentees.
Department Spotlights

Blowing in the Wind
Chenning Tong is leading a collaborative project that could lay the groundwork for advances in fields ranging from wind energy and weather forecasting to air pollution control. As part of the new project, Tong and his team will return to California’s Central Valley in 2023 to take field measurements on the atmospheric boundary layer with four graduate students, six undergraduates and a postdoctoral researcher.
Researching TurbulanceDesign Capstone leads to IP Rights
A team of four senior capstone members proposed a solution to Ryobi Outdoor Products that led the company to seek to acquire intellectual property (IP) rights. The students developed a design to address a challenge from Ryobi concerning their pole lopper attachment. Ryobi found that their design met all requirements and showed the creativity necessary to develop such a robust product that they have exercised their option to acquire the IP through the Clemson University Research Foundation (CURF) process.
Industry Notice