Departmental Research Equipment
Departmental Machine Shop: The department maintains a well-equipped machine shop staffed by departmental technicians in G09 Fluor Daniel EIB. Any request for services of the departmental technician must be made in writing. Under no circumstances is anyone to use any of the department's machine shop equipment without prior authorization and instruction from the technician as to proper use of the equipment.
Cook's Engineering Laboratory and Student Shop: Cook Engineering laboratory is situated behind Riggs Hall and Fernow Street. The Mechanical Engineering Student Shop is located on the first floor (basement) of Cook Engineering Laboratory. The facility also houses many instruments used to teach undergraduate ME lab classes.

Cook's Engineering Laboratory
Tensile Tester
Quantity: 1
Description: Standard tensile tester with a 50k pound force capacity with an ability to mount external instruments for parameter measurements.
Capabilities: (a) Perform low strain rate material testing under both tensile and compressive loads; and (b) couple external measuring devices to the tensile tester to measure variables during the experiment.
Location: Cook Downstairs
Association: ME222, ME333
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Torsion Tester
Quantity: 1
Description: Standard Torsion Tester
Capabilities: Perform material testing under torsion loads
Location: Cook Downstairs
Association: ME222
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Hydraulic Press
Quantity: 1
Description: Rigid Frame with a Hydraulic Press
Capabilities: (a) Perform very simple material testing experiments under tensile loads; and (b) Utilize an attached spring scale to measure the applied loads
Location: Cook Downstairs
Association: ME222
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Wind Tunnel
Quantity: 1
Description: Aerolab Educational Wind Tunnel (EWT) System (Needs a lot of work)
Capabilities: Airspeed Range - 10 mph (4.5 m/s) to 145+ mph (65 + m/s), Test Section Dimensions - 12"x12"x24"
Location: Cook Downstairs
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Fatigue Tester
Quantity: 1
Description: Reversed Bending Fatigue Tester
Capabilities: Perform high-cycle stress based material fatigue testing experiments to determine the test materials fatigue properties
Location: Cook Downstairs
Association: ME444
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
General Instrumentation Lab Benches
Oscilloscopes, Power Supply, Function Generators etc.
Quantity: 1
Location: Cook Hall
Association: ME444
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Charpy and Izod Impact Tester
Quantity: 1
Capabilities:Perform standardized high strain-rate material testing to determine the amount of energy absorbed by a material during fracture
Location: Cook Hall
Association: ME444
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Fluid Flow Loop
Quantity: 1
Description:System of interconnected tanks, valves and pumps.
Capabilities:Facilitates the investigation of liquid level systems and head loss
Location: Cook Hall
Association: ME222
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Programmable Logic Controller Device
Quantity: 1
Description:An integrated Programmable Logic Controller, power supply, network switch, light stack and housing.
Capabilities:May be used to develop programmable logic code
Location: Cook Hall
Association: ME222, ME444
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Flow visualization Water Table
Quantity: 1
Description: Essentially a liquid "wind tunnel"
Capabilities: Allows the user to observe and visualize water flow around submerged bodies.
Location: Cook Hall
Association: ME333
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
HVAC Cycle
Quantity: 1
Description: A condensed and instrumented HVAC cycle
Capabilities: Measure heating, cooling, flow rate and humidity changes during a typical HVAC cycle designed for a building. Perform experiments for the comparison of practical and ideal refrigeration cycles on a pressure-enthalpy (p-h) diagram and establish the energy balance on the condenser and compressor
Location: Cook Hall
Association: ME333
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
HAAS CNC Machine
Quantity: 1
Description: The HAAS is an industry-standard, numerically controlled, 3-axis milling machine
Capabilities: The HAAS can execute standard G-Code and perform automated milling operations
Location: Cook Hall
Association: ME444
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Quarter Car Model
Quantity: 1
Description: Half of the forward suspension of a Honda all-terrain vehicle
Capabilities: Hydraulic cylinder input to the tire and accelerometers mounted on the device's two main masses.
Location: Cook Hall
Association: ME444
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger -
ME Student Shop
Band Saw
Quantity: 1
Description: Standard band saw
Capabilities: Used for cutting curves
Location: Student Shop
Association:ME222, Student Shop
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Bench-Top Drill Press
Quantity: 1
Description: standard bench-top drill press
Capabilities: precision drilling
Location: Student Shop
Association: Student Shop
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Power Sanders
Quantity: 2
Description: Belt and disk sanders
Capabilities: Power sanding
Location: Student Shop
Association: Student Shop
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Precision Measurement Tools
Quantity: 1
Description:Precision Measurement Tools such as Vernier calipers and dial gauges
Capabilities:Used to measure length or displacement with precision to 0.01 mm
Location:Student Shop
Association:ME222, Student Shop
Various Hand Tools
Quantity: 1
Location:Student Shop
Association:ME222, Student Shop
Quantity: 1
Description:Medium sized horizontal lath
Capabilities:machining turning processes
Location:Student Shop
Association:ME222, Student Shop
Milling Machine
Quantity: 1
Description:Medium sized vertical mill
Capabilities:3-axis manual milling machine
Location:Student Shop
Association:ME222, Student Shop
Contact/Expert: -
Department Machine Shop
Lathe: Sharp Model 1440
Description:Standard lathe
Capabilities:36" Bed 6" chuck
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Lathe: Clausing Colchester 15"
Description: Standard lathe
Capabilities:50" Bed 15" chuck
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Todd Schweisinger
Milling Machine: Acer
Description:CNC Milling Machine
Capabilities:44" bed, 2-axis CNC milling machine
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Milling Machine: Comet
Description:Standard Milling Machine
Capabilities:38" bed, 2-axis manual milling machine
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Drill Press: Wilton Strand
Description:Standard Drill Press
Capabilities:Standard Drilling
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Table Saw
Description:Standard Table Saw
Capabilities:Standard Table Sawing
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Radial Arm Saw
Description:Horizontally moving circular saw
Capabilities:12" of travel
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Horizontal Band Saw
Description:Horizontal Band Saw
Capabilities:Cutting thick metal
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Welding Station
Description:Multiuse welding station
Capabilities:MIG & TIG welding and Plasma Cutter
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Band Saw
Description:Band Saw
Capabilities:Band Sawing
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Surface Grinder
Description:Surface Grinder
Capabilities:Surface Grindering
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger -
Additional Departmental Equipment
Hardness Tester
Quantity: 1
Description:Rockwell/Brinell type hardness tester
Capabilities:Perform material hardness testing experiments to determine the test materials hardness/strength
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Four-Point Bending Tester
Quantity: 1
Description:Standard bending tester
Capabilities:Perform a four-point material bending experiment to determine the test materials flexural strength
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Supersonic Nozzle
Quantity: 1
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Fluidized Bed Experiment
Quantity: 1
Description: None
Capabilities: Perform fluidized bed experiments in order to determine: (a) the expansion of solid bed; (b) bed pressure drop; and (c) flow rate of the fluid through the bed
Location: Unknown
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Cross Flow Heat Exchanger
Quantity: 1
Description: Cross-flow heat exchanger
Capabilities:Allows users to measure heat transfer characteristics of common heat exchanger designs. Perform cross-flow heat exchanger experiments in order to: (a) Determine the pressure losses created by the heat exchange rods; (b) Determine the inlet velocity and the mean velocity through the rods; (c) Determine the rate at which the heated rod cools down, within a bank of rods and by itself
Location: Freeman 111
Association: ME333
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
OBJET24 Desktop 3D Printing System
Quantity: 1
Description:Rapid prototyping of three-dimensional parts.m
Capabilities:Rapid prototyping of three-dimensional parts.
Location:EIB Basement
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Maxiem Water Jet
Quantity: 1
Description: High-Performance hydro cutting device
Capabilities: Precise cutting a wide range of materials. Materials include plastic, aluminum, steel, tile, glass, stone.
Location:EIB Basement
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Todd Schweisinger
Hot Plate Press
Quantity: 1
Location: EIB HighBay
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Todd Schweisinger
Wind Tunnel
Quantity: 1
Description: This is much larger than the Educational wind tunnel in the basement of Cook
Capabilities:40,333CFM 22"x22" cross-section 200ft/sec (into 5.5"sp)
Location:EIB HighBay
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Instron 1128 Screw Driven Machine
Quantity: 1
Description:100K Tension/Compression tester
Location: EIB HighBay
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Todd Schweisinger
MTS - Axial / Torsion Machine
Quantity: 1
Description:Tension/torsion test bed
Location:EIB HighBay
Association: None
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger
Precision Dimensioning Setup
Quantity: 1
Description:Precision Dimensioning Setup
Contact/Expert: Dr. Todd Schweisinger