Research Focus Area:
Off-Road Autonomy
The autonomy area focuses on the fusion of data from sensing and estimation to provide situational intelligence and machine learning for algorithm development and novel approaches to multi-scale team routing.
Autonomous ground-combat systems capitalize on enhanced scientific understanding and ongoing technological revolution to augment multi-domain operations' mobility and maneuverability components. The goal is to engineer configurability, resilience, and graceful degradation in the context of systems of automated vehicles.
Focus Area Director
Yunyi Jia
McQueen Quattlebaum Associate Professor, Department of Automotive Engineering

Developed capabilities enhance all steps of the Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act framework:
- Observe
- Sensor pose control: We developed pose control and optimization of sensors onboard autonomous vehicles to provide the best orientations to take measures of the environment.
- Sensor data characterization: The team performed noise filtration and processed LiDAR data in real time under foggy and no-fog conditions.
- Orient
- Sensor simulation & navigation: AI/ML support. Simulation to create ML models that work when sensors are degraded
- Decide
- Multi-modal human-machine interface: We have developed a theoretical framework that captures how human-agent teammates should mutually collaborate within tasks. Based on the theoretical framework, we developed and evaluated prototypes of a human-centered multimodal system interface in a virtual reality environment
- Shared control: To combine human control with autonomy, we developed shared control strategies integrating deep reinforcement learning and imitation learning techniques.
- Act
- Physics-based modeling: created unique models for tracked vehicles (currently transitioning to GVSC – Matthias/Qulin)
- Physics-based control: individual vehicle control based on vehicle physics
Research Efforts
1.1 Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to CPS Vehicle Re-envisioning
Principal Investigator
Venkat Krovi (
Re-envision autonomy with Cyber-Physical System (CPS) off-road vehicle architecture concepts
Extract robust and reliable mobility & maneuver performance
AI-based frameworks to support both offline design-selection and online dynamic-orchestration of hierarchies of parameters, settings and behaviors
1.2 Enhanced Situational Intelligence for Off-Road Depot Vehicle through Collaborative Perception and Human-centered Algorithmic Intent
Principal Investigator
Sophie Wang (
Performing situational intelligence in terms of correlating, analyzing and visualizing disparate data, and providing intelligent decisions and actions out of a massive amount of data, is one of the major critical functions of armaments and military equipment
Provide situational awareness of both the mission environment and the human operator for effective automatic/manual decision-making inside a mobile depot vehicle
- Environmental situational intelligence: Sensor uncertainty characterization, sensor pose optimization, sensor fusion, semantic mapping, surrounding entities modeling and prediction
- Human situational intelligence: (Inverse) reinforcement learning, automated decision-aid, prototype of human-computer interface
1.3 Sizing, Routing, and Coordinating Multi-Scale Ground Vehicle Fleets
Principal Investigator
Pamela Murray-Tuite
Develop techniques for smart management of forward-deployed fleets for mobility in unstructured environments
To determine the sizing, routing, and coordination of a heterogeneous team of AGVs in unstructured environments with AGV losses
Mathematical approaches and algorithms for adversarial reasoning, threat detection, team sizing, routing, distributed coordination, physics-based estimation and control
1.4 Cross-Cutting Autonomy-Enablers
Principal Investigator
Richard Brooks
- Vehicle fleets are complex systems of systems
- Fleet needs: learning, security, connectivity, error detection, integration
- Framework: Correct failures, tolerate attacks, create resiliency
- End-to-end mission coordination
- System aspects needed for distinctive GVSC mission
- Analyze performance, security, and adaptation
- Instrumented testbed in simulation and with vehicle platforms
- Accessible by VIPR GS researchers
- Evaluation of an autonomy architecture and the supporting functions.
- Agile, adaptive, responsive task authorization using Zero Trust overlay for ROS-like middleware.
- Adaptive UGV collision prediction and avoidance using Markov Chain with CARLA simulator and fault detection using Hidden Markov Models
- ROS 1 and ROS 2 network tests for drones and simulated vehicle fleets
- Developing the software-defined radio platform for dynamic spectrum access and customized communication interfaces.
1.5 Efficiency-Based Fleet Traversing Scheme Design Under the Risk of Disruptions Using Goal Programming Model
Principal Investigator
Judith Mwakalonge
Supply chain disruption has become global due to the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, which can result in severe economic and financial consequences. Route disruptions imply significant breakdowns in distribution nodes that comprise a supply chain. The design of an efficient and resilient fleet traversing scheme would be essential for the strategic plan of logistics systems .
Demonstrate how to design efficient fleet routing/traversing schemes under the risk of route disruption, given a set of transportation requests, a fleet of vehicles with capacities, and origin and destination nodes while simultaneously considering the cost/time-efficiency of the system
Considering three objectives simultaneously, a goal programming (GP) approach with multi-objective functions is applied to formulate an optimization model. For evaluating various vehicle traversing schemes generated by GP, the data envelopment analysis (DEA) methods are applied to identify efficient traversing schemes. -
1.22.6 Open-Autonomy Verification & Validation (V&V) Framework
Principal Investigator
Venkat Krovi
Innovative Verification & Validation (V&V) approaches to evaluate autonomy algorithms for offroad CPS ground vehicles
Refinement of a candidate ADAS algorithm (semantic segmentation to support motion re-planning) with variability included
Innovations build upon coupling of:
- Novel scientific methodologies (sequential sampling; AI surrogates-models, Digital Twins)
- AI-based testing workflows (semantic Scenario Description Languages to guide real-time V&V for extended “software algorithm-CPS asset” model)
- Enterprise-scale tools and methodologies (Simulation-as-a-Service; containerized cloud-based workloads) to manage the big-data lifecycle from cradle to grave
1.22.7 Investigation of emulators for Single Photon Lidar to determine its suitability for autonomous vehicle integration
Principal Investigator
Goutam Koley
Imaging hidden objects behind semipermeable barriers like tall grass and light foliage is very important for vehicle autonomy and safety
To investigate the capability of a Linear Mode Lidar (LML) on a ground vehicle to perform imaging of hidden objects behind semipermeable barriers emulating the performance of a Single Photon Lidar (SPL)
Use an LML mounted on a ground vehicle to capture multimodal data, develop image processing software to extract hidden objects behind semipermeable barriers, and finally determine the feasibility of using SPL in a ground vehicle for hidden object imaging -
1.22.8 Determining Soldiers’ Workload while Operating Ground Vehicles
Principal Investigator
Johnell Brooks
Evaluate the relationships between physiology, perceived workload levels, and operator performance in Army drivers.
Develop an algorithm that may predict operator states in real-time.
Clemson University, the Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC), the U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory (USAARL), the Army Research Lab (ARL), the Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital, and the South Carolina Army National Guard (SCARNG) are collaborating to address this important topic. -
1.22.9 Spatial-AI Real-Time Mapping for Off-Road Ground Vehicles
Principal Investigator
Bing Li
- Spatial AI mapping enables the off-road vehicle to accurately perceive and understand complex and challenging environments.
- Spatial AI in real-time design provides new opportunities to learn critical in-situ environment and vehicle conditions for efficient navigation.
- Real-time mapping algorithms that utilize multi-modality sensors produces map representation for navigation.
- Spatial AI models for sensing, terrain moisture predictions, and mapping construction.
Real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) with map abstractions augmented by backend spatial AI learning and recognition. -
1.23.10 Monitoring and maintaining trustworthy networked autonomy in a zero trust environment
Principal Investigator
Fatemeh Afghah
More info to come
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1.23.11 VANTAGE: Vehicular Aerial Navigation of Tethered Autonomous Ground Systems
Principal Investigator
Matthias Schmid
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More info to come
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1.23.12 Standardized modular secure firmware update framework for military vehicles
Principal Investigator
Mert Pese
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More info to come
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1.23.13 PRECOgniTION: PRobabilistic prEdiction from CONtext determinaTION
Principal Investigator
Matthias Schmid
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More info to come
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1.23.14 Off-Road Obstacle Detection Analysis for Autonomy-Enabled Ground Vehicle Navigation
Principal Investigator
Judith Mwakalonge (SCSU) and Yunyi Jia (CU)
More info to come
More info to come
More info to come -
1.23.15 Virtual Sensor Reconstruction for offroad autonomous vehicle
Principal Investigator
Feng Luo
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More info to come
More info to come