At the annual State FFA Convention, the South Carolina FFA Association elects six members to serve as a State FFA Officer. The State Officers will travel across the state to be an agricultural advocate, provide leadership and career training to FFA members, build positive relationships across the state and nation and serve as the face of the South Carolina FFA Association.
Use the link below to request all visits and workshops with the 2023-2024 SC FFA State Officer Team. Only requests submitted through this form will be considered for officer assignments. Please contact Jillian Lash ( with any questions or concerns.
Request a VisitCameron Williams
State President

Rachel Gentry
State Secretary

Porter Hand
State Vice President

Lyle Fulmer
State Vice President

Jennings Avant
State Vice President

Alex Vega
State Vice President

State President: Cameron Williams
Hometown: York, SC
Chapter: York FFA
SAE: While in high school, I was fortunate enough to have two SAE’s. My first SAE was in land management, where I was employed with Wilkerson Land Management. During this SAE, I learned how to properly manage a client’s property with the use of a weedeater, lawn mower, and other landscaping equipment. My second SAE was in farm management, where I was the farm manager of Brochu Farms during my senior year. During this experience, I cared for over 60 animals that included horses, cows, chickens, pigs, guineas, alpacas, turkeys, and peacocks. I was responsible for ensuring all animals were cared for, maintaining the property, as well as keeping inventory of all feed and other necessities. These SAE’s have helped shape me into the person I am today. They taught me the importance of responsibility, accountability, and the value of hard work. Learning to complete tasks on my own and overcome unforeseen challenges based on the skills and knowledge I learned are an essential skill I learned during my SAE’s and I would not trade these experiences for the world
Education: Freshman at Clemson University, majoring in Agribusiness
Career Goal: After graduating college, I plan to pursue a career in agricultural sales. I have always dreamed of working in the agriculture industry and helping grow the future of this industry.
My FFA journey began in middle school when I took my first agriculture class, but my journey in the agricultural industry began long before. Both of my parents have been involved in this industry my entire life and have raised me with a love and dedication towards it. As a kid, I would go on hunting trips with my father and see all of the beautiful farms around the state. It was on these trips that I began to truly fall in love with the industry and develop a passion for agriculture. As I grew older and began middle school, I took my first agriculture class and joined the FFA. I did not get seriously involved in the FFA until I got to high school and took Mr. Williams ag science class. All throughout high school, I tried to take at least one ag class every semester; and even though that couldn’t always happen, I still found myself in the classroom or the shop every day. Even if I was supposed to be in another class, I would always end up hanging out in ag. It may have seemed as just an excuse to get out of class, but looking back I can truly say agriculture is my home. At that time it was just fooling around in the shop, but deep down it was being surrounded by the people and industry I care so much about. The FFA has shaped me into the person I have become today. The diverse opportunities this organization has given me from CDE’s, LDE’s, Mr. FFA, and even just connecting with members throughout the state and country are the reasons why I have the confidence and ability to serve on this officer team. The FFA has given so much to me, and I will use this year of service to give as much as I can back to this great state and organization.

State Secretary: Rachel Gentry
Hometown: Chapin, SC
Chapter: Lexington Richland 5 FFA
SAE: Over the past three years of being in the FFA I have had many SAE’s in varying areas, but my most developed SAE has been in equine training and management. I started this SAE my sophomore year of highschool by organizing and growing something that was already a part of my life- working with and taking care of my two horses. I focused on making more specific goals for their training, better understanding and managing their nutrition, and recording and managing the financial side of owning and providing for my horses. At the beginning of my senior year of highschool, I jumped on the opportunity to expand on this SAE, and purchased a quarter horse filly from one of my FFA advisors. She had no previous experience working with humans, and I had no previous experience working with foals, but working with my veterinary science teacher, personal horse trainer, and veterinarian, and utilizing resources from my school and barn, I have been training this filly for the first year of her life in order to develop the skills and training that will be the building blocks of her training for the rest of her life before selling her at the end of July
Education: Freshman at Clemson University, majoring in Animal and Veterinary Science
Career Goal: I plan to go to veterinary school to become an equine/livestock veterinarian.
My experience in the FFA began in my sophomore year of highschool when I enrolled in the agriscience and animal science courses at The Center For Advanced Technical Studies, in order to pursue the veterinary science career pathway. It was through this class that I was first introduced to the FFA and the agricultural industry. I have grown up around horses, cattle, and local gardening in my family, but it wasn’t until joining the FFA that I understood how these parts of my life connected me to the agricultural industry. Throughout my sophomore year, my ag teacher encouraged me to be active in the FFA and then to run for chapter office. That year was a rebuilding year for my chapter after covid, so I didn’t have an older officer team to look up to or any idea what that commitment might mean, but with a little persistence from my advisor, I jumped into running for chapter office. I had no idea that by taking that step, I would be opened up into a whole new world and passion for agriculture. Over my past three years of highschool I served as a chapter officer, student advisor, competed in many state and national level CDE’s and LDE’s, grew many different SAE’s in many different areas, helped to develop new programs and relationships throughout our community for my FFA chapter, and represented our career center and FFA in different student leadership roles outside of the FFA. Most importantly, I grew in incredible ways as a leader, student, competitor, teammate, and person. I owe the person I am today, and so many of the opportunities that I will have and have had throughout my life, to my experience in the FFA. Approaching the end of my senior year, I knew that even though I was following the veterinary science career path, agricultural advocacy was a passion in my life that I was not ready to give up, and one that I know that I will continue throughout my life. It is such an honor to be able to continue that passion this year as a SCFFA State Officer. I hope to use my year of service to help students across the state grow, encourage them to take on every opportunity, and inspire them with the passion for agriculture that has come to guide my life.

State Vice President: Porter Hand
Hometown: Pelzer, SC
Chapter: Palmetto FFA
SAE: I have been fortunate enough to have many SAEs over my four years in the FFA. My primary SAE is managing four raised beds where I grow a variety of produce. My second SAE involves running a small goat production with my father, which we have owned for several years. In 2023, I added a third and fourth project, the third being inheriting my papa’s bantam chicken and angus cattle operations, and the fourth being creating a project for the SpeakAg State Showcase, where I created a small documentary highlighting agriculture in South Carolina. My SAEs have allowed me to explore career and personal interests, grow as an agriculturist, and develop important skills.
Education: Freshman at Clemson University, majoring in Agricultural Education.
Career Goal: After obtaining a degree in Agricultural Education, I plan to work in agricultural communications before becoming a middle school Agriculture Teacher.
My journey in the FFA began when I attended eighth-grade recruitment day at Palmetto High School. At the time, I had never heard of the FFA and was completely unaware of the vast industry of agriculture living right under my nose, so I decided to take the Intro to Agriscience class my freshman year. I was completely hooked after just my first day in the class and decided to run for chapter office. Little did I know that I was starting the most exciting journey of my life. Being a chartering member and officer gave me the opportunity to grow as an agriculturist, FFA member, and person alongside the new chapter and our first-year advisor Mr. McCannon.
I took Mr. McCannon’s advice that “there is no growth in a comfort zone, and no comfort in a growth zone” and competed in CDEs, attended camps and workshops, met hundreds of FFA members and agriculturists from all across the country, and learned more than I ever thought possible about the field of agriculture. My four years in the FFA inspired me to pursue a career in agricultural communications and education, so that I may tell the stories of agriculturists and encourage the next generation of leaders in our industry.
Not coming from an agriculture background, I have seen personally what the FFA can do for all members from all walks of life, taking in members as they are and finding an avenue for them to reach their fullest potential. My other high school experiences such as wrestling, theater, media broadcasting, and the Spanish National Honors Society have given me the ability to connect with people no matter their background, and I hope to use this to spread my passion and love for agriculture and the FFA to members all across the state of South Carolina throughout my year of service.

State Vice President: Lyle Fulmer
Hometown: Prosperity, SC
Chapter: Governor's School for Agriculture FFA
SAE: I have had a variety of SAE’s over the course of my FFA journey though my primary SAE would fall under the category of Ag Mechanics Research. Through this SAE I would learn how to use computer design systems that enable me to prepare for a career specializing in designing applications with the goal of improving accessibility, safety and production in farm/construction equipment. Through this SAE I have been able to not just be exposed to the skills necessary for a career in this position, but also the business professionals and leaders within this community. I have even had the privilege to be involved in the beginning of our state's own Arability program, which is a nationwide program that provides direct education and assistance to farmers and family members with disabilities. What has driven me to choose this as my SAE stems from my own personal experience of seeing the struggles that a farmer with a physical disability must go through to continue being a farmer. The reality of farming is that it is dangerous, so with the experience my SAE has gifted me I have been able to begin the work of assisting anyone that may need just a little bit more help to be a part of the career professionals that feed the world!
Education: Freshmen at Clemson University, majoring in Agricultural Mechanics and Business
Career Goal: After graduating from college, I plan to find a job working to design equipment that will ensure and improve accessibility, safety and production. Even at a young age, I have always held onto the passion of making the best better.
My FFA experience is something that I have always considered one of the most influential and pinnacle moments of my life. However we all have to start somewhere and my background in the agriculture industry begins with me growing up on my family's produce farm. Growing up, you would most likely find me in either of my parents or grandparents backpocket doing a variety of things ranging from picking vegetables, feeding cows, canning with my grandmother, or hauling hay with my dad during the late hours of the night. It was from these core memories growing up that I developed a love for agriculture and not just with the opportunities it provides but the memories that you make along the way with loved ones.
It was this flaming passion that I developed for agriculture which made me want to have a wider understanding of the different industries within agriculture. So beginning in the 2nd grade, I began to show dairy cattle in 4-H. I have shown dairy cows for most of my life which has immensely given me the opportunity to assist Clemson Extension with county livestock shows and other events such as the SC State Fair. From here I have worked for a variety of agritourism and ag commodities operations, such as Lever Farms, Dreher Island Produce and Milky Way Dairy Farm. As I learned more and more about different industries within agriculture I always made it a point to learn something new and to meet new people.
Once I had begun taking ag classes in high school and learning about FFA, I knew instantly that this was something that I wanted to be a part of. So from there I tried to be involved in anything and everything that FFA had to offer ranging form completing the different CDE’s and LDE’s, attending FFA conferences, Mr. FFA, and even just getting to know any FFA member or industry that I could talk to. I can say confidently that FFA has given me so much and shaped me into the leader that I am today. Which makes it my mission as a State Officer this year to strive to help every member conquer every opportunity that comes across their path and find their own guiding light within this organization that has guided me into finding who I am within agriculture and FFA.

State Vice President: Jennings Avant
Hometown: Hemingway, SC
Chapter: Carvers Bay FFA
SAE: My SAE is on my family's swine and beef production where I have learned a variety of different roles and positions on it. For as I started my FFA career my swine was my main focus with helping move them off the trucks and into the houses. Along with distributing medication and manufacturing other basic needs to make sure they stay in the house. With our cattle making sure their pastures are maintained and all the equipment is ready and property maintenance. For I also have learned the importance of keeping a healthy farm with having to call vets for a sick cow. To make sure hog houses are cleaned and sterilized before new ones come in. All of my experiences on my farm have led me to wanting to go to the vet field.
Education: Freshman at Clemson, majoring in Animal Veterinarian Medicine and Science.
Career Goal: To attain my Degree in Animal Veterinary Medicine and return back to my hometown as a Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine.
I am a 4th generation farmer where we raise hogs for Smithfeild and black angus beef cattle for our personal use. I grew up loving the outdoors and hunting and fishing along with my journey in obtaining my private pilot's license. Since as a freshman in high school I did not know what the FFA or Agriculture classes were or stood for. As I looked at my schedule and saw I had an ag class I thought what I could possibly learn in an agriculture class for I have lived in ag my entire life. I was wrong because I learned so much on my first day of class along with learning so much during my time in FFA. Along that I could use my time and experience on the farm as my SAE and potentially win awards at the state and national level. As the months and years went by I realized how much I have learned and how much this has grown to be a part of me.

State Vice President: Alex Vega
Hometown: Beaufort, SC
Chapter: Battery Creek FFA
SAE: My SAE is poultry production and management. Livestock is an area of agriculture that I was not familiar with prior to joining the FFA. Due to this, I decided to focus my SAE on poultry to learn more about this particular area of agriculture. Over the course of my SAE, I have incubated and raised chickens, learned about poultry diseases and health through practical care of my own chickens, and poultry nutrition when I grew various plants to make homemade chicken feed.
Education: I graduated with my Associates of Arts degree, certification in liberal arts core, and a certification in math/english core while in high school, and will be a college freshman at Clemson University majoring in political science.
Career Goal: After graduating with my B.A. in political science, I plan to attend law school and become an environmental lawyer to help promote environmental policy and leave a positive impact on my local community.
I do not come from a traditional agriculture background, with my father serving twenty eight years in the United States Marine Corps. Over the course of my childhood, I have lived in five different states, North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, California, and Florida, but I have moved six times, twice to South Carolina and Virginia. My FFA journey began when I moved to Tampa, Florida in the sixth grade and joined my first agricultural education class. Even though I did not have prior knowledge about agriculture, over the past seven years that I have been a part of the FFA, my life has transformed. From competing in interesting CDEs such as Aquaculture, Food Science, Soils, and WHEP, to developing my communication and leadership skills through chapter officer positions and public speaking LDEs, the FFA has greatly expanded my agriculture knowledge and equipped me with essential personal and career skills that will stick with me throughout my life. From the three advisors that I have had, Mrs. Andrews and Ms. Mendenall in Florida and Mrs. Melton in South Carolina, to the numerous state and national officers that I have met, and the countless member interactions that I have had, the FFA is truly a family to me that I am proud to serve.