SCFFA/SCAAE Plant Presentation Day
Date: April 30, 2025
Ceremony Starts at 11:00am
State House Steps
Columbia, SC
Every year South Carolina Agriculture Teachers donate flats of plants and flowers to the State House Grounds. All flats will be presented to the State House Grounds to be planted. A ceremony will be held to donate the plants to the State House Grounds, followed by remarks.
Teachers will bring the flats to the Spring Teachers meeting.
A teacher from each region will deliver the plants to the State House if the chapters cannot attend the event.
If chapters cannot attend Legislative Day, this is another outstanding opportunity to have the FFA members meet with their legislators.
Fee: There is no cost for this event
Advisor Attire: Professional Attire
Student Attire: Official Dress is preferred. If unavailable, then professional attire will be acceptable.
Register: Chapters do not need to register for this event. If a chapter would like to meet with the area Legislator that morning, advisors will need to schedule an appointment to meet with him/her.