b'College of ScienceCollege of Veterinary Science DoCtoRal PinStephen E. CreagerBrian Butler Associate Dean for Discovery, Graduate Education, Associate Dean of Clinical ProgramsTo honor the extraordinary dedication and achievement of Space Optimization and Faculty Affairs todays graduates, each one will receive a lapel pin designed Nicki Wiseexclusively for our doctoral graduates. Calvin L. Williams Associate Dean of Academic Affairs The pin features a block C logo that was in use in 1955 Associate Dean for Undergraduate Excellence, Global andwhen Clemson offered its first doctoral degree program. Community Engagement, and Inclusive Excellence Brian Aldridge Veterinary Medicine and SciencesAcross the C are three stripes like the ones graduates are Karolina Mukhtar Biological Scienceswearing on their sleeves today. William T. Pennington Chemistry David F. Clayton .Genetics and Biochemistry Colin Gallagher .School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Chad Sosolik .Physics and AstronomyCEntEnnial MEDallionGRaDuatE ADDREss In celebration of 100 years of graduate education at Clemson University and in honor of our "centennial graduates," each For each doctoral commencement ceremony, one graduating student is chosen by a panelgraduate participating in today\'s ceremonies is wearing a of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to deliver the Graduate Address.medallion that features our centennial logo. Today\'s speaker is Perla Y. Sauceda-Oloo, who is graduating with a Ph.D. in chemistry.The text of Perla\'s speech will be available here shortly after the conclusion of today\'s ceremony. DoCtoRal CoMMEnCEMEntThe doctoral hood is a symbolic honor of distinction bestowed upon scholars who have attained the highest level of formal education available in the world, representing a typical range of five to seven years of study beyond the bachelors degree. Clemsons 46-inch-long A SliDEshow of Photos SuBMittED By ToDay\'s GRaDuatEs doctoral hood is usually draped over the shoulders by the faculty member who, as chair of Click or tap to play. the advisery committee, has formally mentored and guided the students research and edu-cation.You will note that faculty members are wear-ing gowns, caps and hoods of many colors and The University hasdesigns. These academic costumes of medieval origin are, named Clemsonfor faculty with degrees purple" Regalia in a from U.S. nod to the doctoralinstitutions, specified by commencement gowns.a uniform code main-tained by the American Council on Education. Caps are black and are usually mortar boards or tams with tassels. Doctors of philosophy wear gold tassels usually of metallic thread; those with other degrees wear black or discipline colors. Those who have received their degrees from institutions outside the United States wear regalia specified by the awarding institutions.4 5'