Faculty Success (formerly DigitalMeasures) Resource Guides

The training resources listed on this site are designed to apply to all Clemson faculty using Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures). The Watermark-developed resource guides with screen shots may look slightly different than Clemson's system, based on university customized updates.

Annual Review - Entering Professional Activities Information through Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures)

Faculty Success (formerly known as Digital Measures) is used to document activities in preparation for the annual review cycle.

Each year, all full-time faculty must set goals by October for the academic year, and complete a review the following May. Goals are entered under Workload and Goals (at the very bottom of the Faculty Success log-in page, in the Administrative Data section). The annual review will open in May in the Workflow component. Annual review materials are due no later than July 15 for the period ending May 15.

Clemson's Faculty Success team has produced some informational videos of the Faculty Success system navigation. It is recommended that department chairs watch both videos as each has original content relevant to using Faculty Success.

Getting Started with Entering Professional Activities Information
Department Chair Resources
Entering Goals and Annual Review Workflow Resources

TPR Process Details within Faculty Success (formerly Digital Measures)

Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment (TPR) Processes are managed within a special Faculty Success workflow, formerly known as Digital Measures workflow. The principles used to build these processes are based on the Clemson University Faculty Manual.

A detailed summary of sections comprising the TPR workflow within Faculty Success can be found in a resource guide entitled Faculty Success TPR SECTIONS Overview

The sections are identical to Clemson's previously utilized eTPR system with some added clarity for the External Evaluators section and a slight rearrangement of order to be more intuitive. There are some changes related to internal forms involving employment and an upcoming section on joint appointments that will roll out in stages.  Changes from eTPR to Faculty Success-TPRworkflow sections were minimized specifically to essential details in order to preserve the TPR process.

General Resources about the TPR Process


Using Faculty Success to Complete TPR Reviews

Faculty Success General Information:

  • Overview
        • Log-in to Faculty Success
        • Faculty Success Sections at a Glance
        • Navigation Bar
          • Manage Activities: Add or update information about the activities you accomplish.
          • Rapid Reports: Provides a quick way to see how the data will be presented
          • Run Reports: Custom built reports or allows you to create your own reports.
          • Help: Allows you to submit suggestions on how to improve the system, questions about use of the system, or report system errors.
          • Notifications: Bell icon shows you notifications and messages from Digital Measures, including real-time information on new features and capabilities, as well as important system events like scheduled maintenance. You can find feature tips, ways you can reduce data entry, and quick takeaways.
        • Manage Activities: Main Menu
          • The Manage Activities Menu is broken into several screens. To access a screen, click its name. The resulting screen displays records that are stored for that screen. There are six possible actions you can take from the resulting screen, although not all of these actions will always be available:
            1. To add a new record, select the Add button. 
            2. To import items in bulk, select the Import button (only for the Published Work screen)
            3. To delete a record, select the appropriate check box, and then select the Delete button. 
            4. To view or edit a record, click on the record.
            5. To copy a record, select the Duplicate button.

            Note: For records that you can view but not edit or delete, these have been added to the system for you and have been set as uneditable. If such records need revision, contact DM Administrator using the Help link.

        • Using the Pasteboard
          • PasteBoard is a tool that allows you to copy‐and‐paste data from other sources (i.e. MS Word, Excel, HTML or text files) into the Faculty Success data entry boxes. You can copy approximately 2,000 words at one time. To use the PasteBoard:
            • Click on the PasteBoard tab on the toolbar in the bottom‐right corner of Faculty Success screen.
            • Copy and paste the content from your original document into the PasteBoard window.
            • Once your data has been put in the PasteBoard window, you can cut-and-paste it into DM data boxes.

            If you navigate to other screens (or hide the Pasteboard window) within Faculty Success, the content will stay in the PasteBoard. The PasteBoard window is resizable and can be moved to another position on the screen.

  • Helpful Tips
      • How to Create a Custom Vitae Report
      • Entering Data
        • Screens/fields not pre-populated have to be entered by faculty. Information from other sources can be copy and pasted to appropriate fields.  It is also possible to import citations. 
          • Copy and pasting data from other sources: You can copy and paste data from other sources such as your CV.  The best way to do this is to use PasteBoard. See above for instructions on how to use PasteBoard.
          • Importing data from other sources: The Published Work screen allows you to import citations of your work that are stored in other places. Citation data must be first converted to a BibTex file.
        • Change/Delete Linked Record
            • SCENARIO EXAMPLE:

            • Faculty member A creates a record and tags A faculty member B, but faculty member B already created the record in their account, so now there is a duplicate.
            • Faculty member B logs into their account and notices they have a duplicate.NOTE: You CAN change or delete records linked to your account, despite the lock icon. If there is an error with the data in the record, anyone linked to it can go in and make changes.
        • Activity Dates 
          • The reports rely on the dates entered for each activity record. Leaving dates blank for a record can result in that record being unexpectedly included or excluded on reports. Therefore, at least one significant date must be entered. 
              1. One day activities: should include an end date with no start date (e.g., End Date: 2015)
              2. For activities that started but have not yet completed: specify the start date and leave the end date blank.  
              3. For activities that have definite start and end dates: specify the start date and the end date.
                • To create a record that shows both start and end dates:

            Enter the date the activity began in the “Start Date.”

            Enter the date the activity ended in the “End Date.”

  • Faculty Reports (Step-by-Step Guides)
      • To Run Rapid Reports, log into Faculty Success
        • On the top-right corner, select Rapid Reports.
        • To run a report, select the Report template from the drop down menu.
        • Change the Start Date so that Faculty Success can assemble your data. This step is important. Select dates that apply to the report you are generating.
        • Select the File Format (e.g., Word, PDF, or HTML).
  • Import Publications
      • Importing Publications into Clemson University's Faculty Sucess - resource guide developed by Clemson Libraries
      • Direct Access
      • BibTeX Files
        • Other reference managers or databases such as EndNote, Google Scholar, Mendeley, RefWorks, Scopus, Web of Science and Zotero enable you to select publications and export them into a BibTeX file. You can then upload your BibTeX file in DM Import Publications screen so you don’t have to rekey those citations. Below you will find details on how to export publication information from a few common software systems into a BibTeX file.
      • BibTeX Export File from Google Scholar
        • Navigate to Google Scholar. Enter your Google credentials to sign in.
        • Select “My Citations link at the top of the screen. If you are not yet logged in, enter your credentials to sign in. Upon signing in you should land on your profile page where you will see a list of your "articles."
        • If you would like to export only select articles to your BibTex file, choose these from your profile. If you would like to export all of your articles, simply click on the checkbox labeled “Title” which will select all of your articles.
        • Once you’ve made your selections select the Export option and choose BibTex as your file format. You will be redirected to a new page which will display the articles in simple text format. Right click anywhere on the page and select "Save Page As" from the drop down menu. This will convert your articles into BibTeX format.
        • Next, you'll need to save it as a .bib file. 
        • Once you have a BibTex file of your citations, go to “Published Work” screen and click on “Import Items.”

          See the Import Tool Guide:http://www.digitalmeasures.com/activity-insight/docs/directdataimports/

          Example of BibTex File: TBD.Citations

      • Export from EndNote, PubMed, Zotero, and More