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Faculty Affairs

Faculty Career Cycle

The University is focused on increasing efficiencies and innovation in its faculty reporting, course evaluation solutions and annual review and processes. As a result, we are excited to announce that Clemson has one centralized system for the entire campus: Faculty Success.

Find more information on how to use this system below.

General Information Regarding Clemson's Faculty Reporting System

Faculty Success has two areas: activities and workflow. The system provides tools with dynamic methods for storing artifacts of your work and generating Curriculum Vitae from the information entered. 

Faculty Success allows Clemson faculty and leadership to effectively collect and store activities, such as:

  • research
  • publications
  • presentations
  • invited installations
  • professional development
  • grant award letters
  • internal and external service
  • instructional load and awards
  • video recordings

Furthermore, Faculty Success allows leadership to produce activity reports for annual departmental and University-wide review so that we can celebrate and recognize your impactful accomplishments.

Faculty Success Sections

The Activities Component of Faculty Success consists of the following eight sections:

A. General Credentials/Expertise
B. Administrative Data
C. Career Information  
D. Teaching/Mentoring
E. Scholarship/Research
F. Extension (only faculty with extension appointment)
G. Librarianship (only faculty in University libraries)
H. Service 

For more information, click the button below and scroll to "Faculty Success Sections at a Glance," where you'll find a full breakdown of each section.

Get Assistance with Faculty Success

Have trouble navigating Faculty Success? Find resource guides, manuals and helpful tips to help you use this system to your advantage.

For direct assistance, contact us and we'll address your question as soon as possible.

Office of the Provost
Office of the Provost | 206 Sikes Hall