Faculty Evaluation
Explore the sections below to learn about how your performance is measured during evaluations, the timelines for tenured, tenure-track and lecturer-track faculty and discover resources to help guide you toward your performance goals.
Annual Review Process
Each May, annual reviews are held for all Clemson faculty to measure teaching effectiveness and ensure that outstanding job performance and achievements are recognized.
A crucial part of preparing for your annual review as a Clemson faculty member is submitting your annual activities in Faculty Success, the University's centralized system for faculty reporting annual review, promotion and tenure processes. Formerly known as DigitalMeasures, Faculty Success allows you to set goals during the semester and offers dynamic tools for curating and facilitating various activities, including research, publications, presentations, professional development and more.
Tenure, Promotion and Reappointment
Clemson's TPR Process
Similar to the annual review process, TPR reviewers use Faculty Success to analyze your demonstrated abilities to become a tenured faculty member at Clemson University.
The Office of the Provost offers a number of resources about the tenure, promotion and reappointment processes — from best practices to process guidelines — that can set you up for success in achieving your professional objectives. You'll find these resources below and the essential forms you need to get started.
Tenure Clock-Related Requests
On track to become a tenured faculty member? Per the Clemson Faculty Manual, you can request revisions to your tenure clock probationary period — either to lengthen this period or to withdraw a previously approved tenure clock extension and return to a previously planned penultimate year timeline. You can start this process by completing the fillable forms and routing them through the listed department-level and dean-level TPR stakeholders. Your dean will officially submit it to the Office of the Provost by emailing the completed form to apfa@clemson.edu:
Faculty Rank Promotion Increase Amounts
To encourage outstanding performance and demonstrated growth in your career, we have compiled the salary increase amounts for each rank of faculty promotion at Clemson University, from Professor to Principle Lecturer. Explore the breakdown of increase amounts for each ranking position on the table to the right, and get inspired to reach new heights in your career in higher education.
Prior to 2013 | 2013 | 2015 | 2018 | |
Professor | $8,000 | 12% | 12% | 12% |
Associate Professor | $5,000 | 10% | 10% | 10% |
Senior Lecturer | $ - | 0% | 5% | 5% |
Principal Lecturer | n/a* | n/a* | n/a* | 8% |
Calendar of Dates and Deadlines
TPR, PTR, Sabbatical Dates and Deadlines with 'Clock' Tables
Tenure-Track/Tenured and Lecturer-Track Faculty

Promotion and Tenure Honorees
Learn about Clemson University's 2023 - 2024 Tenure and Promotion honorees sorted by colleges and libraries.
Promotion and tenure honorees of 2023-2024