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Faculty Affairs

Priorities and Initiatives

Clemson University's Faculty Affairs is dedicated to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment for academic professionals through a variety of initiatives. The team within Faculty Affairs developed these initiatives in partnership with dedicated individuals from campus offices and external organizations. The Faculty Affairs Annual Report provides further details on these efforts. Key initiatives include task forces such as the Strategic Compensation Task Force and the Faculty Review Alignment Task Force, councils and committees like the Office of Faculty Advancement Faculty Council, and academic leader development programs.

Faculty senate member with gavel.
A large group photo of people who attended the ACC-ALN conference in front of Sikes Hall, featuring a diverse array of people.

Atlantic Coast Conference - Academic Leaders Network

The Atlantic Coast Conference’s Academic Leadership Network (ACC-ALN), sponsored by the ACC’s Academic Consortium, aims to enhance cross-institutional networking and collaboration among academic leaders while building leadership capacity. The program supplements existing campus initiatives by offering unique learning opportunities that no single university can provide alone. Up to five administrative faculty members participate in this premier professional development program each year.

Organization of Academic Department Chairs (OADC)

The Organization of Academic Department Chairs (OADC) serves as a forum for communication between the academic department chairs and others at the University, such as the Faculty Senate, the Academic Council, and the University administration. This organization also provides advice on academic and administrative matters. Membership is composed of all academic department chairs. You can also request to make a presentation to the Organization of Department Chairs by completing the form.

Group photo of the participants of the Clemson Chair Academy on a balcony, with a scenic view of Clemson University in the background.

Clemson Chair Academy

The Clemson Chair Academy is a leadership development community aimed at enhancing leadership awareness for department chairs at any career stage. Sponsored by the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Academy offers programs and activities led by institutional and external partners to promote leadership growth and academic excellence. The New Chair Onboarding program, a nine-month initiative, focuses on foundational topics and inter-college collaborations to prepare new department chairs for their roles.

Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees

The Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees is recognized as the official representative of the faculty. This position was established in 1998. Representatives serve a three-year term and work to strengthen communication between Clemson faculty and the board, helping guide the institution toward harmonious and mutually beneficial decision-making.

All tenured regular Clemson University faculty are eligible for this position. Find procedures, privileges and selection procedures for the Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees in the Faculty Manual.

Faculty senate meeting.
President's leadership institute members.

President's Leadership Institute

The President’s Leadership Institute is a nine-month leadership development program intended for emerging, high-potential and high-performing members of the faculty and staff of Clemson University. The program offers a meaningful and rewarding experience for one faculty and one staff cohort of participants on an annual basis. Each cohort will embark on a nine-month program that includes two overnight retreats (an opening and closing retreat), seven class days and a variety of “field trips” and special sessions that are designed to complement the topics and curriculum being covered through the class days.

Find out how you can get involved in this enriching leadership opportunity by visiting the website linked below.

Office of the Provost
Office of the Provost | 206 Sikes Hall