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Andrei Alexandrov

Genetics and Biochemistry

Assistant Professor

Self Regional Hall (Greenwood Genetic Center) 134B [Research Laboratory Service]
Self Regional Hall (Greenwood Genetic Center) 135 [Research Laboratory Service]

Educational Background

MS, Biophysics, University of Rochester, 2000
PhD, Biophysics, University of Rochester, 2003
Post-doctoral, RNA Biology, Genetics, University of Rochester, 2003-2005
Post-doctoral, RNA Biology, Genetics, Yale University, 2005-2010

Profile/About Me

Dr. Alexandrov received his PhD at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and had his post-doctoral training in the (i) Center for Human Genetics and Molecular Pediatric Disease at the University of Rochester and (ii) Department of Molecular Biochemistry and Biophysics at Yale University. His lab is located in the Clemson Center for Human Genetics and studies disease-associated human pathways of RNA biogenesis, regulation, and surveillance.

Research Interests

The lab of Dr. Alexandrov uses forward genetics and ultra-high throughput CRISPR-based genome interrogation to identify components of disease-associated human RNA pathways. The lab extensively employs fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), complex CRISPR guide RNA libraries, and in vivo fluorescence amplification to expand opportunities provided by forward genetics in human cells. The lab’s goal is to identify and tackle components of RNA pathways implicated in devastating human genetic diseases and cancers.

Courses Taught

GEN 8900, Special Topics: Non-Coding RNAs.


Alexandrov lab web page
Clemson Center for Human Genetics

Department of Genetics and Biochemistry
Department of Genetics and Biochemistry | 190 Collings St., Clemson, SC 29634