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Research Overview

Vial of liquid being held in a hand, with head of male researcher blurred out.

More than 40 faculty members in the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry direct the research of about 50 graduate students. The research activities of the faculty include genetic disorders, genetic improvement of crops, strategies for drug development and eukaryotic pathogens. Clemson University has dedicated its resources to providing cutting-edge facilities equipped with all the conventional instrumentation required for modern genetic and biochemical analysis.


Research Areas and Resources

Chemical Hygiene Plan

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s regulation for occupational exposures to hazardous chemicals in laboratories requires that all facilities engaged in the laboratory use of hazardous chemicals develop and implement a written chemical hygiene plan, which sets forth procedures, equipment, personal protective equipment, work practices and policies that when implemented and used properly will protect employees from the health hazards presented by hazardous chemicals used in their workplace.

Building Knowledge, Powering Innovation

Department of Genetics and Biochemistry
Department of Genetics and Biochemistry | 190 Collings St., Clemson, SC 29634