Alice Man Wa Hui
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Lab Coordinator
Martin Hall O7 [Office]
Educational Background
Ph.D., Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong
P.G.C.E., Mathematics Education, The University of Hong Kong
B.S., Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Interests
Finite geometry, projective geometry, design theory, graph theory, coding theory
Courses Taught
STAT 3090 - Introductory Business Statistics
MATH 4190 - Discrete Mathematical Structure I
MATH 4550 - Topics in Geometry
MATH 4990 - Creative Inquiry in Mathematical Sciences (Art of Mathematics)
Selected Publications
Susan Barwick, Alice M.W. Hui, Wen-Ai Jackson, Jeroen Schillewaert. Characterising the secant lines of Q(4,q). Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 182 (2021), 105476.
Susan Barwick, Alice M.W. Hui, Wen-Ai Jackson. Characterising elliptic solids of Q(4,q), q even. Discrete Mathematics 343 (2020), 111857.
Alice M.W. Hui, Muhammad A. Surani, Sanming Zhou. The vertex-isoperimetric number of the incidence and non-incidence graphs of unitals. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 87 (2019), 957-970.
Alice M.W. Hui, Bernardo Rodrigues. Switched graphs of some strongly regular graphs related to the symplectic graph. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86 (2018), 179-194.
Alice M.W. Hui, Philip P.W. Wong. On embedding a unitary block design as a polar unital and an intrinsic characterization of the classical unital. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 122 (2014), 39-52.