Meredith Burr
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Principal Lecturer
Math 1080 Course Coordinator
Martin Hall O216 [Office]
Educational Background
PhD, Mathematics, Tufts University, 2010
MS, Mathematics, Tufts University, 2007
BA, Mathematics, Providence College, 2005
Research Interests
Calculus Education
Professional Development of Graduate Student Instructors
Courses Taught
Math 1060, Calculus of One Variable I
Math 1080, Calculus of One Variable II
Math 3010, Statistical Methods I
Math 1010 (CT2), Essential Mathematics for the Informed Society
Math 9000, Graduate Student Professional Development Seminar on Teaching
Selected Talks
Burr, M.N., "A small change that improved group learning in Calculus II," Special Session on Active Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics, MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Knoxville, TN, (contributed) (March 16, 2024).
Burr, M.N., “Active Learning in Large Math Classes at Clemson,” Active Learning in STEM seminar (via Zoom), University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, (invited) (March 5, 2021).
Burr, M.N., “Graduate Student Teacher Training and Support at Clemson University,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle, WA, (contributed) (January 9, 2016).
Burr, M. N., “Graduate Student Teacher Training at Clemson,” Special Session on Preparing Students to Teach Undergraduate Mathematics, MAA Southeastern Section Meeting, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, (invited) (March 2015).
Burr, M. N. and M. Reba, “Investigating the Effectiveness of a Hybrid Version of Calculus I,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, (contributed) (January 15, 2014).
Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
Honors and Awards
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Outstanding Service to Graduate Students Award (2020).
College of Science Dean's Distinguished Lecturer (2022)
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Teaching Award (2023)