Matthew Macauley
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Associate Professor
Martin Hall O325 [Office]
Educational Background
PhD, Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2008
M.A., Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2005
B.S., Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College, 2003
Research Interests
Algebraic systems biology
Algebraic combinatorics
Discrete dynamical systems
Visual abstract algebra
Mathematical crystallography
Courses Taught
Math 1060 (Calculus I)
Math 1080 (Calculus II)
Math 2080 (Differential Equations)
Math 3110 (Linear Algebra)
Math 4000 (Probability)
Math 4120 (Modern Algebra I)
Math 4130 (Modern Algebra II)
Math 4190 (Discrete Mathematical Structures)
Math 4340 (Advanced Engineering Mathematics)
Math 4500 (Mathematical Modeling)
Math 4530 (Real Analysis I)
Math 4540 (Real Analysis II)
Math 4550 (Geometry)
Math 4560 (Topology)
Math 8510 (Abstract Algebra I)
Math 8520 (Abstract Algebra II)
Math 8530 (Linear Algebra)
Math 9850 (Combinatorial Computational Biology of RNA)
Selected Publications
M. Macauley. Visual Algebra. Forthcoming textbook, ~700 pages.
M. Macauley. Dihedralizing the quaternions. Amer. Math. Monthly, 2024.
R. Robeva and M. Macauley (Eds.). Algebraic and Combinatorial Computational Biology. Academic Press, 2018.
M. Macauley and R. Robeva. Algebraic models, inverse problems, and pseudonomials from biology. Lett. Biomath. 7(1), (2020), 81—104
M. Macauley and N. Youngs. The case for algebraic biology: from education to research. Bull. Math. Biol. 82(115), (2020), 16 pages.
M. Develin, M. Macauley, and V. Reiner. Toric partial orders. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 368 (2016), 2263-2287.
M. Macauley, J. McCammond, and H.S. Mortveit. Dynamics groups of asynchronous cellular automata. J. Algebraic Combin. 33 (2011), 31-55.
M. Macauley and H.S. Mortveit. On enumeration of conjugacy classes of Coxeter elements. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 4157-4165.