Michael Hernandez
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Grad Teacher of Record
Long Hall B01 [Office]
Educational Background
B.S., Mathematics, William Paterson University, 2023
Profile/About Me
My research experience has been in sequences of graphs and zero divisor graphs in non-abelian rings. My mathematical role models are Paul Erdös, Kurt Gödel, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. My non-mathematical joys are science fiction movies/novels, chess, and boxing.
Below, I've provided a database of open problems put forward by Erdös during his life, some even include a reward of up to 1000 dollars for a proof. I encourage anyone and everyone to take a look! Browsing this website is a new way to feign productivity.
Research Interests
PDEs, Harmonic Analysis, and Combinatorics.
Pi Mu Epsilon
MaCS Scholars Program
Honors and Awards
Neil Ender Scholarship
Degree Program
PhD Mathematical Sciences