Contact Us
Student Financial Services is committed to assisting all students with billing matters and payment options. If you have questions the website does not address, please reach out to our office! The quickest way to contact us is through our office email account at
If you have specific questions about one of the following subjects, please email us at the corresponding email address:
- — for outside or private scholarships.
- — for Government Sponsored Billing, Fulbright Billing, Tuition Assistance Billing, Corporate Tuition Vouchers or Vocational Rehabilitation Purchase Orders (not including book purchase orders).
- — for Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill Payments.
- — for State Specific Tuition Prepaid Accounts (not including 529 College Savings).
Mailing Address: Student Financial Services
G-08 Sikes Hall
Box 345307
Clemson, SC 29634-5307
Telephone: 864-656-5592
In addition, you can contact us by phone or live chat during the hours listed below.
Call us at 864-656-5592 between 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday-Friday
Begin a conversation by clicking the chat icon in the lower right corner.
Live agents are available between 2-4 p.m., Monday-Friday
Student Financial Services is not available during University holidays.

Meet Our Staff
Director of Student Financial Services
Student Financial Services Staff
Jessica Bledsoe
Accounting Specialist
Jordan Bryan
Operations Manager
Kris Butts
SFS Counselor
Christi Chambers
Senior Associate Director
Toni Crocker
Accountant/Fiscal Analyst II
Tori Denardis
Accountant/Fiscal Analyst III
Pamela Eastburn
SFS Counselor
Pamela Holbrooks
SFS Counselor
Jake Hooker
Business Analyst
Josh Moore
Business Analyst
Jennifer Porter
Collections Specialist
Kellie Powell
Accountant/Fiscal Analyst III
Torri Sloan
Accountant/Fiscal Analyst II