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Advocacy and Success

Resources by Student Issue

  • Academic Concerns

    Academic Advising

    Visit this page for academic advising resources including links to college advising websites.

    Academic Success Center

    Overview: Department supports undergraduate success by delivering a diverse array of services designed to foster the skills and mindset students need to enhance their learning and achieve their educational goals.  Referral Points: Tutoring, study space, and academic coaching. Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-6452. Academic Success Center is located at 863 McMillan Rd.

    Office of Undergraduate Studies

    Overview: Department manages academic procedures and policies related to withdrawals, medical withdrawals, incompletes, plagiarism, academic probation and the academic appeal process.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-3022.

    The Graduate School

    Overview: Provides information for those interested in graduate school, as well as those currently enrolled.  Referral Points: Information about programs, admission, financials, policies and procedures, resources for graduate students, and more.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-3195 for general information or 864-656-5202 for concerns or issues.

    Office of Global Engagement

    Overview: The three constituent offices are Global Learning, Partnerships & Initiatives, International Services and the Pam Hendrix Center for Study Abroad.  This office works with faculty members and departments to develop study abroad programs and to establish partnerships with overseas institutions and organizations, to provide visa and immigration services to the many international students and visitors on our campuses and to enhance overall campus internationalization.  Referral Points: Information about policies, procedures, resources and more for international students, students studying abroad and collaborative partners across the globe.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-1455.

    Center for Career and Professional Development

    Overview: Department offers career assessments, career workshops, on-campus interviewing and experiential education & internship programs.  Referral points: Career and internship questions and concerns.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-0440.

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

    Overview: Department offers personal counseling, psychological testing, outreach and consultation.  Referral points: Emotional distress, need for emotional support, mental health concerns or questions.  Best Way to Connect: Call CAPS reception at 864-656-2451 during business hours (8 a.m. - 4:30 pm).  For after-hours psychological emergencies, contact CAPS' counselor on-call through CUPD dispatch at  864-656-2222

    Clemson University Ombuds

    Overview: An ombuds is an independent, informal, neutral and confidential resource who provides assistance to members of the University community in exploring options to resolve problems, complaints and conflicts when normal processes and procedures have not worked satisfactorily.  Ombuds strive to foster equitable treatment of all faculty, graduate students, postdocs, undergraduate students and staff within the University system. Ombuds provide an independent, neutral point of view in an informal and confidential environment.  Best Way to Connect: Please do not use email as a way to connect.  Address: 201 West Cherry Road, Seneca, SC 29678.  Phone: Faculty and Student Ombuds 864-656-4353. Staff Ombuds 864-656-5353

  • Adjustment

    Campus Recreation 

    Campus Recreation promotes fitness and wellness, intramural and club sports, and CORE (Clemson Outdoor Recreation and Education.) Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-3453

    Campus Reservations and Events

    Provides guest services, event coordination and venue management for several indoor and outdoor campus venues. Best way to connect: Call 864-656-4636 

    Center for Student Leadership and Engagement

    CSLE is involved with student transitions, student involvement, and leadership education. Referral Points: Student organizations and involvement opportunities, new student orientation, late night programming, and leadership development. Best Way to Connect: 864-656-0515

    Clemson University Police Department (CUPD)

    Overview: Department provides a safe and secure living, working and learning environment for Clemson University.

    Referral Points: Any emergencies or crime prevention notifications. Threat of harm to oneself or others.

    Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2222. In case of emergency, always call 911 immediately.

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

    Overview: Department offers personal counseling, psychological testing, outreach and consultation.  Referral points: Emotional distress, need for emotional support, mental health concerns or questions.  Best Way to Connect: Call CAPS reception at 864-656-2451 during business hours (8 a.m. - 4:30 pm).  For after-hours psychological emergencies, contact CAPS' counselor on-call through CUPD dispatch at  864-656-2222

    Student Accessibility Services

    Overview: Department coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities and accessibility needs. All reasonable accommodations are individualized, flexible and confidential based on the nature of the disability or need and the academic environment.  Referral points: Mobility assistance, accessibility needs, student injury and/or hospitalization.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-6848.

    Office of Community and Ethical Standards (OCES)

    Overview: Department manages/oversees all student discipline/conduct situations.  Best Way to Connect: Email Us.

    Office of Global Engagement

    Overview: The three constituent offices are Global Learning, Partnerships & Initiatives, International Services and the Pam Hendrix Center for Study Abroad.  This office works with faculty members and departments to develop study abroad programs and to establish partnerships with overseas institutions and organizations, to provide visa and immigration services to the many international students and visitors on our campuses and to enhance overall campus internationalization.  Referral Points: Information about policies, procedures, resources and more for international students, students studying abroad and collaborative partners across the globe.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-1455.

  • Career or Graduation

    Academic Advising

    Visit this page for academic advising resources including links to college advising websites.

    Center for Career and Professional Development

    Overview: Department offers career assessments, career workshops, on-campus interviewing and experiential education & internship programs.  Referral points: Career and internship questions and concerns.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-0440.

    Registrar’s Office

    Overview: Offices of Records and Registration, Registration Services, Degree Works, Enrolled Student Services and Transcripts.  Referral Points: Student accounts, degree requirements, graduation requirements, transcripts and more.  Best Way to Connect:  Call 864-656-7855.

  • Death or Grief

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

    Overview: Department offers personal counseling, psychological testing, outreach and consultation.  Referral points: Emotional distress, need for emotional support, mental health concerns or questions.  Best Way to Connect: Call CAPS reception at 864-656-2451 during business hours (8 a.m. - 4:30 pm).  For after-hours psychological emergencies, contact CAPS' counselor on-call through CUPD dispatch at  864-656-2222

    Redfern Health Center/Student Health Services

    Overview: Department provides quality medical and mental health care, public health leadership and initiatives that enhance the academic success of students while also promoting health, safety and well-being of the campus community.  Referral Points: Any medical or mental health check-ups/appointments, counseling and psychological services, sexual health/violence prevention, allergy and immunization, women’s clinic, pharmacy.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2233 for general information. Call 864-656-1541 for appointments.

    Foothills Community Health Care

    Overview: Foothills Community Health Care is a great resource to provide some of the health needs for dependents of students.  Best Way to Connect:  Call 864-722-0283.

  • Financial

    Student Financial Aid

    Overview: Department exists to help students secure the funds necessary to pursue their educational goals at Clemson University through the administration and implementation of federal, state and institutional programs of financial assistance.  Referral Points: Applying for financial aid, learning more about costs, finding additional scholarship opportunities.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2280

    Student Financial Services

    Overview: The Office of Student Financial Services is committed to offering students and authorized users support in meeting their financial obligations to the University while serving in an environment of equality, responsibility and dignity.  Referral Points: Student billing and payment.  Best Way to Connect: 864-656-5592.

    Registrar’s Office

    Overview: Offices of Records and Registration, Registration Services, Degree Works, Enrolled Student Services and Transcripts.  Referral Points: Student accounts, degree requirements, graduation requirements, transcripts and more.  Best Way to Connect:  Call 864-656-7855.

  • Housing

    Residential Living

    Overview: Department is a resource for all residents. Provides an inclusive, safe, fun and diverse learning and living environment for all residents.  Referral Points: Housing and Dining information, contracts & rates, camps & conferences and living options.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2295. The Central Housing Office is located in Mell Hall at 100 Mell Hall.

    Student Financial Aid

    Overview: Department exists to help students secure the funds necessary to pursue their educational goals at Clemson University through the administration and implementation of federal, state and institutional programs of financial assistance.  Referral Points: Applying for financial aid, learning more about costs, finding additional scholarship opportunities.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2280.

    Fraternity and Sorority Life

    Overview: Department manages/oversees all Greek-related activities.  Referral points: Fraternity and Sorority relations. Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-7578.

    Off Campus Housing Search

    For support and resources for off-campus students including searching for off-campus housing and roommates, tips for signing a lease, preparing to move in, and resources to support you while living off-campus.

  • Legal Issues or Concerns

    Clemson University Ombuds

    Overview: An ombuds is an independent, informal, neutral and confidential resource who provides assistance to members of the University community in exploring options to resolve problems, complaints and conflicts when normal processes and procedures have not worked satisfactorily.  Ombuds strive to foster equitable treatment of all faculty, graduate students, postdocs, undergraduate students and staff within the University system. Ombuds provide an independent, neutral point of view in an informal and confidential environment.  Best Way to Connect: Please do not use email as a way to connect.  Address: 201 West Cherry Road, Seneca, SC 29678.  Phone: Faculty and Student Ombuds 864-656-4353. Staff Ombuds 864-656-5353

    Office of General Counsel

    Overview:  The Office of General Counsel provides legal advice to the Board of Trustees, the president, the administration, faculty and staff on legal matters involving or affecting Clemson University. This office provides assistance to University vice presidents in the formulation of administrative policies, as well as legal advice to all deans, directors and department heads as needed.  By law, we are not allowed to offer legal advice in matters not related to one's employment or enrollment at Clemson University. Persons seeking legal advice on a personal matter may want to explore one of the following resources:

    South Carolina Bar

    The South Carolina Bar is committed to serving and educating the public through a series of programs and initiatives designed to create an atmosphere of communication and trust. Visit the public services section of the South Carolina Bar Web site, to obtain free publications or learn about legal clinics in your area.  The South Carolina Bar is committed to promoting justice and educating the public through initiatives that foster trust. Bar staff answers general legal questions as a service to the public. Responses are not intended to render legal advice. If you need legal advice, please contact the South Carolina Bar Lawyer Referral Service at 800-868-2284 or call the Legal Aid Telephone Intake Service (LATIS) at 888-346-5592.

    Clemson University Police Department (CUPD)

    Overview: Department provides a safe and secure living, working and learning environment for Clemson University.

    Referral Points: Any emergencies or crime prevention notifications. Threat of harm to oneself or others.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2222. In case of emergency, always call 911 immediately.

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

    Overview: Department offers personal counseling, psychological testing, outreach and consultation.  Referral points: Emotional distress, need for emotional support, mental health concerns or questions.  Best Way to Connect: Call CAPS reception at 864-656-2451 during business hours (8 a.m. - 4:30 pm).  For after-hours psychological emergencies, contact CAPS' counselor on-call through CUPD dispatch at  864-656-2222

    Office of Community and Ethical Standards (OCES)

    Overview: Department manages/oversees all student discipline/conduct situations.  Best Way to Connect: Email Us or Call at 864-656-9725

  • Personal Health or Wellness

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

    Overview: Department offers personal counseling, psychological testing, outreach and consultation.  Referral points: Emotional distress, need for emotional support, mental health concerns or questions.  Best Way to Connect: Call CAPS reception at 864-656-2451 during business hours (8 a.m. - 4:30 pm).  For after-hours psychological emergencies, contact CAPS' counselor on-call through CUPD dispatch at  864-656-2222

    Redfern Health Center/Student Health Services

    Overview: Department provides quality medical and mental health care, public health leadership and initiatives that enhance the academic success of students while also promoting health, safety and well-being of the campus community.

    Referral Points: Any medical or mental health check-ups/appointments, counseling and psychological services, sexual health/violence prevention, allergy and immunization, women’s clinic, pharmacy.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2233 for general information. Call 864-656-1541 for appointments.

    Foothills Community Health Care

    Overview: Foothills Community Health Care is a great resource to provide some of the health needs for dependents of students.  Best Way to Connect:  Call 864-722-0283

    Healthy Campus

    Overview: Department mission is to create a culture and/or environment that fosters health/wellness, safety and sustainability, and enables our campus community members to achieve, learn and serve.  Referral points: Health, wellness, suicide prevention, and safety awareness programs and educational opportunities.  Best Way to Connect: Visit website (links to assessments, programs, tips of “how to’s”, and department contact information). For emergency on-call/after-hours counselor call 864-656-2222.

    Student Accessibility Services

    Overview: Department coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities and accessibility needs. All reasonable accommodations are individualized, flexible and confidential based on the nature of the disability or need and the academic environment.  Referral points: Mobility assistance, accessibility needs, student injury and/or hospitalization.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-6848.

    Office of Community and Ethical Standards (OCES)

    Overview: Department manages/oversees all student discipline/conduct situations. Best Way to Connect: Email Us.

    Clemson University Police Department (CUPD)

    Overview: Department provides a safe and secure living, working and learning environment for Clemson University. Referral Points: Any emergencies or crime prevention notifications.  Threat of harm to oneself or others.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2222. In case of emergency, always call 911 immediately.

    Nutrition Resource within Clemson Housing and Dining:  Shannon Greene, Registered Dietician.  Call: 864-656-9424, or email:

    Clemson University PAW Pantry: An on-campus food pantry and resource center for the food insecure.  PAW Pantry is available to all Clemson University students, free of charge.  Contact:  or call 864-372-6879

    Find Your Local Food Pantry

    Find food pantries local to Clemson or food pantries located in other areas.

  • Relationships or Student Engagement

    Campus Recreation

    Campus Recreation promotes fitness and wellness, intramural and club sports, and CORE (Clemson Outdoor Recreation and Education.) Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-3453

    Campus Reservations and Events

    Provides guest services, event coordination and venue management for several indoor and outdoor campus venues. Best way to connect: Call 864-656-4636

    Center for Student Leadership and Engagement

    CSLE is involved with student transitions, student involvement, and leadership education. Referral Points: Student organizations and involvement opportunities, new student orientation, late night programming, and leadership development. Best Way to Connect: 864-656-0515

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

    Overview: Department offers personal counseling, psychological testing, outreach and consultation.  Referral points: Emotional distress, need for emotional support, mental health concerns or questions.  Best Way to Connect: Call CAPS reception at 864-656-2451 during business hours (8 a.m. - 4:30 pm).  For after-hours psychological emergencies, contact CAPS' counselor on-call through CUPD dispatch at  864-656-2222

    Fraternity and Sorority Life

    Overview: Department manages/oversees all Greek-related activities.  Referral points: Fraternity and Sorority relations. Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-7578.

    Healthy Campus

    Overview: Department mission is to create a culture and/or environment that fosters health/wellness, safety and sustainability and enables our campus community members to achieve, learn and serve.  Referral points: Health, wellness and safety awareness programs, suicide prevention, and educational opportunities.  Best Way to Connect: Visit website (links to assessments, programs, tips of “how to’s”, and department contact information). For emergency on-call/after-hours counselor call 864-656-2222.


    Military & Veteran Engagement

    Overview: Military & Veteran Engagement has been designed to serve and support the Clemson Military-Connected Community through engagement, enrichment, empowerment and education Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2982.

  • Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence and Harassment

    Office of Access Compliance and Education

    Overview: Department focuses on providing a campus environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment and monitors compliance with the university's Equitable Treatment Policies.  Referral Points: Equitable Treatment Policies, Procedures for filing a complaint, Title IX/Sexual Harassment. Members of the university community may submit reports using the Incident Report FormBest Way to Connect: Located at 223 Brackett Hall. Call 864-656-3181.

    Office of Community and Ethical Standards (OCES)

    Overview: Department manages/oversees all student discipline/conduct situations. Best Way to Connect: Email Us.

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

    Overview: Department offers personal counseling, psychological testing, outreach and consultation.  Referral points: Emotional distress, need for emotional support, mental health concerns or questions.  Best Way to Connect: Call CAPS reception at 864-656-2451 during business hours (8 a.m. - 4:30 pm).  For after-hours psychological emergencies, contact CAPS' counselor on-call through CUPD dispatch at  864-656-2222

    Clemson University Police Department (CUPD)

    Overview: Department provides a safe and secure living, working and learning environment for Clemson University.  Referral Points: Any emergencies or crime prevention notifications.  Threat of harm to oneself or others.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2222 for additional service. In case of emergency, always call 911 immediately.

    Redfern Health Center/Student Health Services

    Overview: Department provides quality medical and mental health care, public health leadership, and initiatives that enhance the academic success of students while also promoting health, safety, and well-being of the campus community.  Referral Points: Any medical or mental health check-ups/appointments, counseling and psychological services, sexual health/violence prevention, women’s clinic, allergy and immunization, pharmacy.  Best Way to Connect: Call 864-656-2233 for general information. Call 864-656-1541 for appointments.

    The Office of Human Resources

    Overview: Department provides access to confidential counseling services for faculty and staff through Clemson’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider, Deer Oaks.  Employees can call Deer Oaks at 866-327-2400.  Initial counseling is generally provided at no charge.  Best Way to Connect: 864-656-2000.

    Pickens County Advocacy Center

    Overview: The goal is to be advocates for victims of sexual assault.  We attempt to be with them through their entire healing process as they encounter hospital visits, counseling sessions, gaining back their self-confidence and provide advocacy in the court room should the charges proceed to a trial.  Best Way to Connect: 5190 Calhoun Memorial Highway, Suite A, Easley, SC, 29640.  Tel: 864-442-5500.

    First Light

    Overview: First Light is a nonprofit community agency that provides sexual trauma crisis services and counseling to survivors of sexual violence, including children and adults in Anderson and Oconee Counties.  Best Way to Connect: 216 East Calhoun Street, Anderson, SC, 29621.  24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-864-231-7273

    Julie Valentine Center

    Overview: The Julie Valentine Center is a nonprofit organization that provides free, confidential services to sexual assault and child abuse survivors and their families in Greenville County.  Best Way to Connect: 2905 White Horse Road, Greenville, SC, 29611.  Tel: 864-331-0560.  24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 864-467-3633.

    Safe Harbor (Domestic and Relationship Violence)

    Overview: Safe Harbor is an organization that provides safe shelter, counseling and advocacy for victims of domestic and relationship violence in Anderson, Greenville, Oconee and Pickens Counties.  Best Way to Connect: 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-800-291-2139

    MARYS House (Domestic and Relationship Violence)

    Overview: Provides emergency shelter and services to families fleeing domestic violence.  Best Way to Connect: 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-864-859-9191.

  • Parking and Transportation Services

    Parking and Transportation Services

    Overview: Information regarding all types of parking areas, permits, violations and citations.  Also information regarding various types of transportation including bus routes and schedules, rental cars, airport shuttles, biking, walking and more.  Best Way to Connect: 864-656-2270.  For after-hours emergencies, please contact the Clemson University Police Department (CUPD) at 864-656-2222.

    Transit Services (including CATbus and service to other campuses). 

  • Additional Resources
Office of Advocacy and Success
Office of Advocacy and Success | 202 Hendrix Student Center, 720 McMillan Road, Clemson, SC 29634