Page Templates
Cascade templates create a consistent visual language, hierarchy, navigation and user experience across Clemson.edu.

We offer a college/division level template and a Department level template. Within each of those, we have a Light option and a Dark option to choose from. The differences between the two options are very minimal, but the most noticeable may be that the light theme allows for some text to be added within an overlay of the hero image. The utility bar on the Light Theme is also white, whereas on the Dark Theme, it sits on a transparent background. The top navigation of Cascade sites within the new templates may not be edited. This is to protect against user confusion through changes to navigation.
College and Division Homepage
These templates are used only for the purpose of the homepage of a college or division level organization such as the College of Science or the Division of Student Affairs. If you are a department within a college or division, you should use the department templates detailed in the next section. These pages are designed to indicate the highest level of importance in the hierarchy of sites on Clemson.edu.
College and Division - Dark

College and Division - Light

Departmental Homepage
Departmental templates are used for the homepage of department or secondary level importance organizations within the University. These should only be used as a homepage of a site and not for landing pages, splash pages or the main page of a section of a site.
Department - Light

Department - Dark

Interior Page Template
Interior page templates will make up the majority websites. They are for the pages of content nested within a site of any level and are used to build out a sitemap. Sitemaps should go no more than four levels deep from the departmental container down. The name of the overarching site will be displayed in the banner at the top of each interior page.
If there are certain pages within a site that require more visual weight or importance (and are not a homepage), there is an expanded header option available in these templates for a larger customizable page header and calls to action.
Interior - Dark

Interior Page Expanded

Template Styling Options
Each template has the option to select a color theme that suits the primary goals of the organization. The theme will dictate the colors of certain UI elements and the color choices available to native modules and widgets. Choose a theme that conveys the specific themes of the organization to differentiate it within the Clemson brand.