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service dogs on leashes
Accessibility at Clemson University

Service and Assistance Animals

Having Animals at Clemson

Clemson University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act by allowing the use of Service Animals and approved Service Animals in Training on campus. We also comply with the Fair Housing Act by allowing approved Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) in campus housing.

View the Glossary of Terms to see definitions for each type of animal referenced below.

To promote the safety of animals on University owned or managed property and to preserve the rights of handlers, we have developed guidelines for service and assistance animals. Please review the guidelines and follow them to keep our entire campus community safe.

female student smiling, facing the camera and holding a small, cream colored dog

Register An Animal

Service Animals

Students are not required but are encouraged to register their Service Animal. Students may register their animal with Student Accessibility Services (SAS).

Employees are required to request accommodations and register their Service Animal. Employees must register by contacting the ADA Coordinator in the Access Compliance and Education (ACE).

Emotional Support Animals

Student Emotional Support Animals must be requested as an ADA accommodation through the Student Accessibility Services (SAS).

Employees may have an Emotional Support Animal if they live in University housing. Employees must request approval by contacting the ADA Coordinator in the Access Compliance and Education (ACE).

Service Animals in Training

Students are required to complete the registration form to request permission to have a Service Animal in Training.

  • Students must submit a new form each semester.
  • Please note that completing the form does not guarantee approval to bring a Service Animal in Training on University-owned or managed property.

Employee requests to have a Service Animal in Training are limited to only those employees who have a disability covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act and are training the animal for their own use.

  • Employees must submit a new form annually.
  • Please note that completing the form does not guarantee approval to bring a Service Animal in Training on University-owned or managed property.

Register a Service Animal in Training

Interacting with Service and Assistance Animals

Expected service animal behavior

Service Animals are encouraged to wear vests to clarify the animals' purpose for being on campus.

Service Animals in Training are required to wear an indicating vest at all times while on Clemson property.

Handlers should ensure that the Service Animal or Service Animal in Training is effectively controlled at all times. The handler is responsible for ensuring that the animal does not do the following:

  • Interfere with or impede the work of other service animals or service animals in training.
  • Pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
  • Disrupt a work, classroom or other educational setting.
  • Sniff individuals, tables at which individuals are consuming food items or the personal belongings of others.
  • Display behaviors or noises that are disruptive to others unless it is part of the service being provided to the handler.
  • Display aggressive behavior toward persons or other animals.
  • Block an aisle or passageway.
  • Eat food in the dining halls or restaurants on Clemson University property.
  • Bark, unless that is the service to be performed by the animal.
  • Sit or lay on Clemson University furniture.

Students may be subject to a student Code of Conduct violation if they do not maintain control of their animal at all times.

Required training for Service Animals and Service Animals in Training

All dogs must be at least six months of age and be responsive to obedience commands. Handlers of Service Animals are not required to submit official training documentation. Handlers of Service Animals in Training must provide Proof of Canine Good Citizens Advanced Certification (or equal training) before they can be approved.

This certification is offered through the American Kennel Club.

Expected emotional support animal behavior

Emotional support animals are different from Service Animals and Service Animals in Training.

An Emotional Support Animal is any animal that provides emotional support to individuals with a mental or psychiatric disability. Emotional Support Animals are recognized by the Fair Housing Act and are allowed for individuals residing in Clemson housing if approved by the Student Accessibility Services.

Emotional Support Animals are not allowed to enter university buildings and must remain in the campus housing or the immediate surrounding area. The Student Accessibility Services site has more information on these guidelines.

How to interact with trained animals on campus

Do not touch, feed, talk to, interfere with or interact with a Service Animal, Service Animal in Training, or ESA unless you have the handler's explicit permission. Do not ask questions about the individual's disability or need for a service or support animal.

Federal law states that these two questions may be asked to Handlers:

  1. Is the dog a Service Animal required because of a disability?
  2. What disability-related work or task(s) has the animal been trained to perform?

Protocol for issues with Service Animals and Service Animals in Training

University personnel should attempt to resolve the issue with the handler first. If the issue persists, they may wish to file an incident report through the Office of Community and Ethical Standards.

Instructors have the right to direct the student to remove a Service Animal or Service Animal in Training from a classroom or other educational environment if the student is not controlling the animal and/or it is disruptive to the class or other educational activities.

Complaints against a Clemson student can be submitted through the Office of Community and Ethical Standards incident report portal.

Complaints against a Clemson employee can be submitted through the Office of Access Compliance and Education Report portal.

Complaints against a visitor may be reported to the Clemson University Police Department.


Visitors or Employees

For visitors/employees with Service Animals, or individuals with concerns regarding access to restricted areas, questions should be directed to:

Office of Access Compliance and Education
ADA Coordinator
223 Brackett Hall


For students with Service Animals or students/employees with Emotional Support Animals, questions should be directed to:

Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
239 Academic Success Center Building

General Questions

For general comments and concerns, or students/employees with Service Animals in Training, questions should be directed to:

Lisa Traynham
Student Dogs in Training Coordinator
104B Vickery Hall

Incident Reporting

For employees wishing to file an incident report, questions should be directed to:

Office of Community and Ethical Standards (OCES)
912 University Union

Individual Concerns

For individuals who have concerns regarding a pet on campus, or individuals with concerns regarding visitor animal handlers, questions should be directed to:

Clemson University Police Department (CUPD)
124 Ravenel Center Place
Seneca, SC. 29678

Therapy Animal Requests

For requests to have Therapy Animals on campus or Animals for Exhibition, questions should be directed to:

Campus Reservations and Events
Hendrix Student Center, Second Floor
720 McMillan Rd.
Clemson, SC. 29634


For formal mediation between two parties, questions should be directed to:

Ombuds Office
135 Old Greenville Hwy, Ste. 203

Frequently Asked Questions

View our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for further information.

Accessibility at Clemson University
Accessibility at Clemson University |