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Woman talking and smiling in Lee Gallery
Department of Art


Contact and Locations

Contact Information

Department of Art

Valerie Zimany
Chair, Department of Art

Todd McDonald
Associate Chair, Department of Art


MFA Program

Kathleen Thum
Graduate Program Coordinator 


Exhibitions and Visiting Artists

Denise Woodward-Detrich
Director, Lee Gallery
1-101A Lee Hall


General Inquiries

Department of Art / Clemson Visual Arts
2-121 Lee Hall

Schedule a Tour

We invite you to attend our college information session and tour our facilities. 

Please click here to view dates and registration for an information session. Please note that information sessions are geared toward prospective students. If you are an accepted student, we welcome you but encourage you to check your accepted student portal for information on our Accepted Student Open Houses. 

If you have any questions, please connect with us at 

MFA Potential Graduate Students

Prospective graduate students are welcomed and encouraged to visit. In order to observe the life of the school and work in progress, we recommend prospective students visit during the school year, when students and faculty are present and studios are in session.

For more information, please contact:

Kathleen Thum
Graduate Program Coordinator 


Lee Hall, home to all art classes except photography and printmaking, is a complex of buildings and additions. On maps, it is often notated as Rudolph E. Lee Gallery, an art gallery housed in Lee I. Lee I, original building built in 1958; Lee II was added in the 1970s and 90s, and Lee III opened in 2012. Room numbers in Lee indicate which part of the building the room is located. For example, Lee 2-111 (the large auditorium) is Room 111 in Lee II. Click here to view maps of the interior of Lee Hall.

The physical address to the entrance of Lee III: Lambda Street, Clemson, SC

The physical address to the entrance of Lee II: 323 Fernow St, Clemson, SC 29634 

Freeman Hall is home to the photography and printmaking studios. The entrance to these studios is located on the outside right of the Freeman Hall building in rooms B009 and B0011.

The physical address of the Freeman Hall building: 211 Fernow St, Clemson, SC 29634

Gallery Locations

Lee and Acorn Gallery Driving Address
323 Fernow Street, Clemson, SC 29634

Lee Gallery Address
1-101 Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634

Acorn Gallery Address
2-G26 Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634

Exhibitions and Visiting Artists Inquiries
Denise Woodward-Detrich
Director, Lee Gallery
1-101A Lee Hall

Visitor Public Parking
Metered visitor parking spaces can be found in the cul-de-sac outside of Lee Hall on Fernow Street. No parking pass is required for any of the metered visitor parking spaces.

Additional parking is located in the parking lot located in front of Lee III. Access to this parking lot is off of Perimeter Road. Please be sure to obtain the proper visitor parking pass before parking in this lot or any other parking space not marked visitor. Visitor parking passes can be obtained from the Visitor's Center

Public Parking around Lee Hall is limited, so please allow plenty of time to find a space before your scheduled appointment time. We encourage you to take the time prior to your visit to read the information on Clemson visitor parking.

Department of Art
Department of Art | 2-121 Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634