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Department of Art

Bachelor of Arts in Art


Bachelor of Arts in Art

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Art is an undergraduate, liberal arts degree offering a balanced curriculum of academic coursework, studio art and art history courses. You can choose between emphasis areas in Studio Art (Ceramics, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture), Art History and Digital Art & Design Media. Students also select a minor or double major, which allows you to tailor your studies to career interests and take advantage of Clemson’s unique strengths as a large research university.

Course Catalog B.A./BFA Apply
Art student creating pottery

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The goals and objectives of the Bachelor of Arts in Art is to provide students with a breadth of knowledge and training in Art and Design that is fundamental to a variety of careers in the visual arts. The foundation courses are designed to provide the student a firm grounding in the theoretical and practical principles of Art and Design. Lower-division Art History requirements cover the major achievements in art and included explorations in art in both Western and Non-western cultures. At the upper-division level art studio students are trained in and expected to master either single or multiple art media and the aesthetic and technological developments applicable to their area(s). Classes are taught by faculty with appropriate training and professional experience in their area(s) specialization. In both upper-division Studio Art and Art History courses, students are exposed to a broad array of artistic accomplishments and encouraged to hone their connections between concept and media in the pursuit of individual, creative development. Upon graduation students should have developed a competent portfolio or artworks and display the knowledge and skill to enter their chosen fields.


Portrait of art student Jiawei Deng

“Receiving a B.A. in Visual Arts and Psychology created a pathway to apply to Art Therapy Programs for Graduate School confidently. Having a double major allowed me to be a competitive candidate. As a result, I was accepted into my first choice for my graduate studies.”

Jiawei Deng
'21 B.A. Art
Department of Art
Valerie Zimany photo

Valerie Zimany

Chair, Department of Art

Office: 2-120 Lee Hall, Email:

About Valerie Zimany
Department of Art
Department of Art | 2-121 Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634