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Department of Art


Printmaking Studio

The mission of the Printmaking Area at Clemson University is to develop the highly creative artist, one capable of making printmaking a core component of their studio practice and, ultimately, a life’s work. The Printmaking Area encourages cross-disciplinary strategies for making while holding tightly to the importance of craft. At Clemson University, we consider the indirect nature of printmaking (artist-matrix-print) a palette of techniques for exploring ideas rather than an end in itself. The printmaking area’s pedagogy champions a scholarship-based and civically minded approach to making.

Visual Arts, BFA Visual Arts, MFA
Image of Student working in the Printmaking studio

Printmaking Studio Overview

Printmaker's Note

Potential Graduate Students,

I am delighted you are considering our MFA Program with a concentration in Printmaking.

I encourage you to continue exploring our Department of Art’s website. You will learn many things about us including insights into the interdisciplinary nature of the department and our guaranteed full rides throughout your program of study. Continue exploring Clemson University and you will find that we are a premier place of learning. For those who invest in their studies, anything is possible at Clemson University.

While graduate school is an intense time of focused study, our students are fortunate to have the ‘Upstate’ area of South Carolina as a backdrop. If you have a predilection for the outdoors you will find fewer places in the world more beautiful than here. On the other end of the spectrum, we are just two hours from Atlanta, Georgia, or Charlotte, North Carolina, and thirty minutes from thriving Greenville, South Carolina.

Last but not least, I must stress we have a highly competitive graduate program. Typically, we bring in one, two or three new printmaking graduate students per year. I encourage all applicants to visit before submitting an application. If this is not possible for you, please contact me so as to arrange a video chat.

Thank you once again for your interest in our MFA Program with a concentration in Printmaking. Go Tigers! 


Todd Anderson
Department of Art
College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities
Clemson University

Facilities and Equipment

  • Vandercook Number 4 letterpress

  • Sizable metal type collection

  • Wright etching press (2 x 4 foot)

  • Large format custom etching press (5 x 8 foot)

  • Large format rosin box (2 ½ x 3 ½ feet)

  • Takach lithography press (3 x 5 foot)

  • Rembrandt lithography press (2 ½ x 5 feet)

  • Multiple backing slabs for lithographic plate work

  • An exceptional collection of lithography stones (up to 2 x 3 feet)

  • Modern ventilation system

  • Silkscreen exposure unit (up to 2 ½ x 4 feet)

  • 26-1K Nu-Arc exposure unit

  • Large-format Epson printer with a dedicated workstation

  • Flatbed scanner

Resources at Clemson University are too vast to list but noteworthy for printmaking students:

  • Free downloads of the entire Adobe Creative Software Suite to personal devices

  • Free access and use of Adobe’s Creative Cloud

  • State-of-the-art Adobe Digital Studio with dedicated staff

Graduate students have additional access to:

  • ‘Maker’s space’ with dedicated staff

    • Multiple laser engravers

    • Multiple large-format CNC-routers

    • CNC plasma cutter

    • Large format scanner

    • SLA 3D printer

    • FDM 3D printer

    • Multiple 3D scanners (both contact and non-contact)

    • Woodshop with dedicated staff

      • Multiple ‘Saw Stop’ table saws

      • Industrial-sized joiner and planer

      • Miter saw, 15” band saw, panel saw

      • Mortise and tendon machine

      • A comprehensive set of power tools

      • Personal studio spaces with keyed access 

Alumni Work

Department of Art
Department of Art | 2-121 Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634