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Department Level Scholarships


Department-level scholarships are available. The specific eligibility criteria for each scholarship varies. Departmental scholarships do not accept applications and are awarded via a separate process.

Please contact your academic advisor or departmental Student Services Coordinator for more information.

Agricultural Sciences

AgSouth Farm Credit ACA Scholarship

Two scholarships to give recognition and assistance to outstanding junior or senior students at Clemson University who are majoring in Agribusiness or Agricultural Mechanization and Business with minimum 3.0 GPA.

Recipients must permanently reside in one of the following South Carolina counties: Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Berkley, Calhoun, Charleston, Cherokee, Chester, Colleton, Dorchester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Kershaw, Lancaster, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union or York.

Alfred Scarborough and Robert Lee Scarborough, Jr. Endowment Fund

Scholarship for students enrolled in Agribusiness major with minimum 3.0 GPA.

Bethea Fund for Excellence Scholarship

Scholarships to promote excellence in agricultural and biological engineering for students enrolled in Agricultural Mechanization and Business major with 3.0 minimum GPA.

Colonel Edward R. Maddox Scholarship Endowment

Scholarships for sophomore, junior, or senior students majoring in agricultural education with 3.0 minimum GPA.

Eddie H Kaiser Student Assistance Memorial Endowment

Scholarship for juniors or seniors enrolled in Agribusiness major within the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences. Minimum 3.0 GPA.

Joe B. Douthit Memorial Soil and Water Conservation Scholarship

Scholarships for students majoring or minoring in agronomy and soils, agricultural engineering or a closely related field. Minimum 3.0 GPA.

Rodgers-Bowen Scholarship

Scholarship for sophomore, junior or senior students enrolled in Agricultural Education with minimum 2.5 GPA.

Animal & Veterinary Sciences


Food, Nutrition and Packaging Sciences


Forestry and Environmental Conservation

Alexander Family Endowment

Scholarships or fellowships to honor Dr. Alexander's family and to encourage excellence in the fields of study concentrating on environmental and wildlife protection. Awards shall be for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled or enrolling in Environmental and Natural Resource or Wildlife and Fisheries Biology majors with minimum 3.0 GPA. Awards will be based on scholarly achievement, academic potential, leadership, character and ability to succeed in the field.

Benton H. and Sallie Y. Box Endowed Scholarship

Annual, non-renewable scholarship to a junior-level student majoring in Forestry in the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences or to a student majoring in Parks Recreation and Tourism Management in the College of Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences. Scholarship is rotated between the two majors annually. Minimum 3.0 GPA.

Dr. WE Batson Student Scholarship

Minimum 3.0 GPA

Fredrick W. Kinard, Jr. Endowment Scholarship

Scholarships for sophomore, junior or senior students majoring in Environmental and Natural Resources, Forest Resource Management, or Wildlife and Fisheries Biology in the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences. Minimum 3.0 GPA.

James C. Kennedy Scholarship Endowment

Scholarships for students majoring in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology within the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences with minimum 3.0 GPA.

Kevin Thedford "Ford" Henderson Memorial Endowment

Scholarships for students enrolled or enrolling in the Department of Forestry & Environment Conservation with minimum 3.0 GPA.

Kevin Thedford "Ford" Henderson Annual Companion Memorial Scholarship

Scholarships for students enrolled or enrolling in the Department of Forestry & Environment Conservation with minimum 3.0 GPA.

Plant and Environmental Sciences

Carolinas Golf Association Scholarship

Scholarship to encourage and motivate students to take full advantage of the opportunities to prepare themselves for careers in Turfgrass Management and other careers relating to the advancement of golf. Recipients are to be undergraduates majoring in Turfgrass Management with minimum 3.0 GPA.

Distinguished Agronomists Scholarship

Scholarships for sophomores, juniors or seniors majoring in agronomy with minimum 3.0 GPA.

George M Armstrong Scholarship

Scholarships for undergraduate study in research philosophy and techniques for students majoring in Entomology, Horticulture, Plant and Environmental Sciences, or Turfgrass with minimum 3.0 GPA.

Greater Columbia Landscape Association Student Assistance Endowment in Landscape Scholarship

To provide student assistance for undergraduate or graduate students with a nursery/landscaping emphasis within Horticulture in the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences and/or Landscape Architecture in the College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities with first preference given to students from Richland and Lexington Counties in South Carolina. Scholarship is rotated between the two majors annually. Minimum 3.0 GPA.

Joe B. Douthit Memorial Soil and Water Conservation Scholarship

Scholarships for students majoring or minoring in agronomy and soils, agricultural engineering or a closely related field. Minimum 3.0 GPA.

N Dwight Camper Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships for students enrolled in Plant and Environmental Sciences. Minimum 3.0 GPA.

Thomas Stephen Buie Memorial Scholarship

Scholarships for juniors or seniors majoring in Plant and Environmental Sciences with preference given to those studying Agronomy or Soil and Water Science. Minimum 3.0 GPA.

Turf Masters Lawn Care Annual Scholarship

Scholarships for students enrolled or enrolling in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences who have a demonstrated interest in turf industry. Minimum 3.0 GPA.