Participant Testimonials

PLEAF has been a very rewarding experience thus far, and I know that we will continue to grow as we journey on through our time together. Personally, I have always been reflective, but this experience has helped me become more self-aware and understand how my inner-self/thoughts affects my experiences with others. I have learned that leading is not always a “title” and that sometimes we must “lead up” in the current position we are in. The cohort experience helps me network and learn from others that are dealing with similar issues, and I believe this is one of the most valuable parts of this program. Dr. Player is a wonderful mentor and seems to know exactly what to say when coaching us. He has been in the trenches with us, inviting us to hear about his own {current} leadership/self-awareness journey and struggles, which is so empowering.

I think the PLEAF program is very important to the state of South Carolina. It’s crucial to have a program for candidates in our agricultural industries to sharpen our character and leadership skills so we can be effective leaders in the industries we serve. Personally, the program has helped me to reflect on my core beliefs as a leader, and it’s helped me to see areas that I’m strong in as well as areas that I can continue to improve. I also believe that meeting and networking with other participants that have different perspectives and responsibilities than me has helped me grow and evolve as a leader. I can’t say enough good things about PLEAF and I hope that the program continues to exist as a resource for more up and coming leaders in our states number one industry.

This program has been an enlightening experience for me and a blessing of professional and personal growth. The AMPLOS program requires individuals to really analyze and understand certain psychological processes which are critical to our individual compositions. Dr. Player, then, is able to help facilitate our independent comprehension of our personal styles as it relates to professional growth and understanding. We are divided into peer groups and then discuss and mentor each other in regards to our personal and professional characteristics, styles, situations, challenges, etc.

Being a part of the PLEAF program over the past year has helped me grow both personally and professionally by creating the space and prompts in my life to learn and reflect. My actions as a leader are more thoughtful and impactful as a result of being more centered in my core values and motivators, characteristics I have focused on independently and with my peers throughout this experience. Additionally, the networking opportunities with peers who are experiencing the same growth is invaluable.

First in my mind is the opportunity to interact with a great group of leaders in the ag and natural resources space. I’m a believer in the mantra of surrounding yourself with great people and PLEAF does just that. Another highlight is the curriculum and especially the personal development session with AMPLOS. I have wanted to develop a personal mission statement for years but never made the time or effort so it’s been great to have industry leading expertise to help me fulfill that life long goal. Finally, and most importantly, is the privilege to see servant leadership in action by watching you! People are drawn to you because your commitment to others and their success is so obvious. It’s a great lesson for all of us that people will only care about what you know once they know you care about them.

I knew I would benefit from a program like PLEAF, but honestly, I think the timing of PLEAF has made an immeasurable difference in my year. 2020 has been full of challenges and disappointments, but it has also come with a large amount of time for reflection. This is where PLEAF has made such a difference. I had time this year to commit to “studying” and immersing myself into the PLEAF modules because of the world shutdown. As we have gone through these leadership and self-reflection exercises, they have impacted both my professional and personal life greatly. Although I haven’t gotten to know my cohort as well as we would have in person, I still have gained a whole new network of professionals I can call on. The diversity of thought and reflection that is shared during our group zooms is both enlightening and refreshing. I am grateful to be part of a cohort such as PLEAF that allows me to grow as a professional and at the same time build my peer support.
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences

My time with the P-LEAF program, even despite the challenges of the pandemic, has been immensely rewarding. I've grown as both a person and a leader, and that growth has already affected how I interact with my family, my coworkers, and my community through my leadership positions. I haven't been able to spend much time growing relationships with other participants due to Covid, but even so I've already taken advantage of those connections several times. This is the only program that I'm aware of that bridges every aspect and level of agriculture in South Carolina. It's been an honor and privilege to be part of this first cohort and I'm excited to see how this program continues to craft leaders for every aspect of our diverse industry.

PLEAF has been a wonderful, well-organized program that has kept me engaged and excited for upcoming meetings and sessions. When I first heard about PLEAF back in late 2019 I was very excited to have the opportunity and was even more elated to learn that it would be administered by Clemson University. I knew that the involvement of the University meant that this would be a strong, legitimate, well-respected program that would likely ask much of the students which in turn would be so rewarding for all involved. I can honestly say that PLEAF and Dr. Kirby Player have greatly exceeded those expectations. As a forester with twenty plus years of experience the program has been such a breath of fresh air for me. I have never been part of a program that has been more professional and organized than PLEAF and I am truly honored to be a part of it. It was very apparent from the start that Kirby had put his heart and soul into this program years before we even enrolled and showed up. His professionalism, sincerity, commitment and attention to detail is what makes it all work! One example would be Kirby's leadership and response to COVID-19. His ability to be flexible and ability to pivot when faced with adversity made this a rather easy transition for the students. Instead of hitting pause or completely shutting down PLEAF we were able to have classes virtually, peer group sessions, one on one meetings, and even moved into and began working our AMPLOS modules. All of which I have found to be rewarding and motivational.
I look forward to seeing the impact that PLEAF has on South Carolina. Just as Kirby and many dedicated Clemson professors are making such an enormous, life-long impact on their young college students, I feel that the same is being done for me and my peers through Kirby and PLEAF. As I mentioned earlier, this has come to me at a time in my career where I really needed something renewing and refreshing. I can only speak for myself, but from my observations and watching interactions among my fellow classmates I feel that they will graduate PLEAF with a renewed sense of vigor and the feeling that they can go out and lead and conquer our industry.

PLEAF has meant an opportunity for me to feel like I have a chance to make a positive impact in my home state. I have benefited from being able to learn with and from peers in closely related professions from across the state in a setting that has given me perspective on how some of the challenges and opportunities we all have are the same and some are different.
This program is clearly attracting ambitious, forward thinking individuals who have a mindset of collaboration and solution seeking when it comes to the fields of agriculture, forestry, and natural resources in the state. Giving these cohorts the tools to develop their skills will I am confident provide this state with top quality future generations of leaders.