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Clemson Hydrogeology Symposium

Symposium Schedule

Morning Session | First Afternoon | Second Afternoon | Final Afternoon | Afterparty Mixer

PLEASE NOTE: This schedule is subject to change as presentations are submitted.

Session Overviews 

7:15 - 8:00 Welcome: April 3, 2025


Please join us before the presentation to mingle with fellow participants and presenters.

8:00 - 8:30 Poster Session

Poster Presentations

Topics TBD.

8:30 - 10:30 Morning Sessions

Please join us for the Morning Sessions in the BellSouth Auditorium, Meeting Room 1, or Meeting Room 2.

Topics: Remediation; Site Model Development; Geophysics

Symposium Schedule 2025 Morning
Morning Schedule
Moderator: Gary Birk
Characterization, Site Model Development, and Artificial Intelligence
Moderator: Sarah Asher
Geotechnical and Geophysics
Moderator: Andy Alexander


Bountiful Superfund Case Study – Eight Years of Successful Chemical Reduction in Low Permeability Soils Aided by Permeability Enhancement

Kessel, Lowell

Enhancing Environmental Project Workflows with OpenAI Custom Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) and Palantir Foundry Artificial Intelligence Platform (AIP) Models: Two Case Studies Demonstrating Innovation and Efficiency

Asher, Sarah

Overview of Borehole Geophysics Methods for Groundwater Investigations

Rebman, Nick


Utilizing High-Resolution Design Optimization (HRDO) for an Injection Remedy at Brookley AFB, Mobile, AL

Gerber, Michael

Conceptual Site Model Development, Source Removal, and Soil Amendment Get a UST Site Closer to Closure

Thompson, Rob

Geophysical Investigations in Support of Hydrogeologic and Geotechnical Assessments for Landfill Design in Karst Terrane

Bergstrom, Jorgen


Passive and Solar-Powered Bioventing Implementation to Augment Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) of Petroleum Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL) in the Subsurface

Wheeler, Kevin

Leveraging Digital Processes to Streamline Complex Assessment Projects

Grant, Jeremy

Geophysical Evaluation of the Line Street Cemetery, Melbourne, Florida to Locate Unmarked Graves for Cultural Heritage Preservation

Brantley, Duke


Multi-Technique Remediation of Chlorinated Groundwater Plume: Heat-Enhanced Bioremediation, ISCR, Bioaugmentation, and Performance Monitoring

Birk, Gary

Applications of Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS): Decision-Making and Planning Field Work

Andrews, Trevre

Validation of Seasonal High Groundwater Levels for Earthen Structure Design

Blais, Riley


Utilizing Blind Horizonal Wells for a Variety of Remediation Applications

Shinall, Brian

High-Volume Sub-Slab Sampling is more than just a Vapor Intrusion Tool, it is an Effective Tool for Developing CSMs

Olver, Klynt

Geotechnical Case Study of a Wick Drain System beneath a Constructed Soil Embankment

Vastag, Johnny


Multiphysics simulation of plume transport with viscous fingering in geomechanically sensitive aquifers

Jha, Birendra

Using Machine Learning for Analyzing Important Hydrogeological Phenomenons from Building a Forward Model to Mapping Salt Intrusion in the Biscayne Aquifer

Arhin, Henry

Geotechnical Analysis for Construction of a Subway in High Water Content Soils

Garcia, Ernesto

10:30 - 11:00 Poster Session

Poster Presentations

Topics TBD

11:00 - 12:00 Keynote Speaker

Keynote Address

Advances in Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Deep Geological Formations
Sally Benson, Department of Energy Sciences and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

Lunch will be provided in the Main Ballroom 

1:00 - 2:40 First Afternoon Sessions

Please join us for the Afternoon Sessions in the BellSouth Auditorium, Meeting Room 1, or Meeting Room 2.

Topics: PFAS; Energy Storage; Water Supply

Symposium Schedule 2025 Afternoon
First Afternoon Schedule
Moderator: Bob Kelley
Energy Storage, Strainmeters, and Carbon Sequestration
Moderator: Ron Falta
Water Supply and Sources
Moderator: Simon Kline


Optimizing PFAS Remediation Strategies from Lab to Field

Smith, Jacques

High-Temperature Subsurface Thermal Energy Storage

Ron Falta

Reclaimed Limestone Quarries: Potential Groundwater Resource for the Future

Foldesi, Christopher


Developing Equilibrium Removal Isotherms of Base Carbons for Colloidal Carbon PFAS Adsorption

Kelley, Robert

Utilizing Distributed Temperature Sensing for Underground Thermal Energy Storage Monitoring

Grant, Josh

Evaluating a Former Quarry for a Piedmont Raw Water Storage Site: Geological, Geochemical, and Hydrogeologic Insights

Kline, Simon


Lights, Catalyst, PFAS: How Long Can the Magic Last?

Mason, Marc

Subsurface Thermal Energy Storage and Removal of Steam During Initial Heating

Heyer, Mark

Assessing Water Accessibility and Quality in Kagarama, Rwanda: A Field Study by Engineers Without Borders

Branch, Owen


An Enhanced Look at EPA 1633 and PFAS Data Quality Objectives

Boone, Lindsay

A Strainmeter Array Used to Evaluate Well Tests at a Deep Aquifer

Murdoch, Larry

Decentralized Runoff Management

Evans, Andrew


Stormwater Runoff as a Pathway for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Transport

Salawu, Omobayo

Life Cycle Assessment of the Carbon SIRGE Approach

Carbajales-Dale, Mik

Groundwater Potential Zone Controlling Source and Flow using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis (MCDMA) Based on Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) of Yankari Game Reserve and its Environs, Northeast Nigeria

Jabbo, Josiah Nuhu

2:40 - 2:50 Poster Session

Poster Presentations

Topics TBD

2:50 - 3:50 Second Afternoon Sessions

Please join us for the Afternoon Sessions in the BellSouth Auditorium, Meeting Room 1, or Meeting Room 2. 

Topics: Bioremediation; Iodine Removal; Hurricanes

Symposium Schedule 2025 Second Afternoon
Second Afternoon Schedule
Moderator: David Freedman
Iodine/Boron Removal
Moderator: Jacques Smith
Foraminifera, Hurricanes, and Response
Moderator: Josh Bregy


Identification and Enhancement of Naturally Occurring In-Situ Aerobic Metabolic Biodegradation of 1,4-Dioxane

Robinson, Michael

Innovative and Cost-Effective Boron Absorbent Media

Butler, Julia

Grassroots Rapid Response to Hurricane Helene

Petitt, Destini


High-Permeability Zone Volume Fraction and First-Order Rate Constant Effects on 1,4-Dioxane Degradation in Simulated Aquifer-Aquitard Systems

Romero, Juan

Batch Sorption Analysis of Iodine in Selected Biochars and FerroBlack™

Erard-Stone, Emily

Foraminifera Fidelity to Environmental Settings: A Meta-Analysis of Foraminiferal Assemblages from the Southeastern United States

King, Abbegail


Investigating Biodegradation of 1,4-Dioxane and Co-Contaminants by Pseudonocardia BERK-1

McCourt, Kelli

Sustainable Approach for Boron Stabilization in Coal Combustion Wastewaters

Oladipo, Olajide

Examining Foraminiferal Microfossils to Provide Evidence of Prehistoric Hurricanes at Topsail Hill National Park in Florida

Diaz, Denise

3:50 - 4:00 Poster Session

Poster Presentations

Topics TBD

4:00 - 5:00 Final Afternoon Sessions

Please join us for the Afternoon Sessions in the BellSouth Auditorium, Meeting Room 1, or Meeting Room 2. 

Topics: Remediation; Water Quality; Geochronology

Symposium Schedule 2025 Final Afternoon
Final Afternoon Schedule
Moderator: Lowell Kessel
Water Quality and Iron Chemistry
Moderator: Brian Powell
Geochronology, Fractures, and Social Networks
Moderator: Alex Pullen


Evaluation of Strategies to Remediate Mixed Wastes at an Industrial Site in Brazil

Jimenez, Jimena

Comparative Analysis of Water Quality Degradation in Streams Originating in Blue Ridge and Piedmont Watersheds in Upstate South Carolina and North Carolina

Gilfillan, Abby

Formations in the Upstate, South Carolina

Duncan, Jackson


Remediation of Emerging Heavy Metal Contaminants from Coal Ash, Including Li, Mo, B, and As

Kessel, Lowell

Influence of Organic Matter on the Effectiveness of Iron Flocculation

Smith, Evelyn

Comparison of Fracture Aperture Monitoring using Arduino Based Data Loggers versus Modified Hobo Temperature Loggers

Keesee, Rion


Effective, Sustainable In-Situ Remediation Approach at Brownfield Site Using a Combination of Zero-Valent Iron and Emulsified Vegetable Oil

Robert L. Kelley

Seasonal Variation of Iron Flocculation in Hunnicutt Creek, Clemson, SC

White, Crawford

Influence of Social Networks on Retention and Recruitment of Geoscience Majors

Oliver, Aster

5:15 Wrap-Up

Afterparty Mixer

Post-Symposium Mixer at the Outdoor Lab

Please join us at the Clemson Outdoor Lab Pavilion, located 5 miles away in Pendelton, SC. The Pavilion is a covered outdoor space overlooking the beautiful waters of Lake Hartwell.

NOTE: Attendees will need to park at the Clemson University Gun Range at 162 Pickens Bend Range Dr, Pendleton, SC 29670, and board buses to be shuttled over to the Outdoor Lab Pavillion.

The mixer is made possible by the generosity of our sponsors.

Workshop 3 PM – 5 PM

Developing a Basic Site Conceptual Model and Remediation Strategy Workshop Facilitator: Joe Rossabi
Limited to Attendees who signed up prior to the event

Posters Information

Location: North Hallway

Andrews, Trevre - Applications of Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy (ESS): Decision Making and Planning Field Work

Chukwuma, Tracy Amaka - Multimodal and Multiscale Characterization of Hydrogeochemical Alterations in Carbonate and Clay-rich Sandstones due to Dissolution Reactions with Reactive Brine

Curl, Allison - Exploration of the use of iButtons to monitor temperature variations in a bioretention cell

Diaz, Denise - Examining Foraminiferal Microfossils to Provide Evidence of Prehistoric Hurricanes at Topsail Hill National Park in Florida

Duncan, Jackson - Petrographic and Geochronological Investigation of the Contact Between the Poor Mountain and Chauga River Formations in the Upstate, South Carolina

Gilfillan, Abby - Piedmont and Blue Ridge Stream Water Quality Comparison

Goellner, Bennett - Organoclay Synthesis, Characterization, and Use in Iodate Sorption

King, Abbegail - Foraminifera Fidelity to Environmental Settings: A Meta-Analysis of Foraminiferal Assemblages from the Southeastern United States

Keesee, Rion - Comparison of Fracture Aperture Monitoring using Arduino Based Data Loggers versus Modified Hobo Temperature Loggers

Oladipo, Olajide - Sustainable Approach for Boron Stabilization in Coal Combustion Wastewaters

Oliver, Aster - Influence of Social Networks on Retention and Recruitment of Geoscience Majors

Oseni, Oyindamola - Investigating Adsorption as a Mechanism for Perchlorate and Nitrate Removal in Planted Bioreactors

Romero, Juan - High-Permeability Zone Volume Fraction and First-Order Rate Constant Effects on 1,4-Dioxane Degradation in Simulated Aquifer-Aquitard Systems

Smith, Evelyn - Influence of Organic Matter on the Effectiveness of Iron Flocculation

White, Crawford - Seasonal Variation of Iron Flocculation in Hunnicutt Creek, Clemson, SC

Wheeler, Kevin - Passive and Solar-Powered Bioventing Implementation to Augment Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) of Petroleum Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL) in the Subsurface