Fostering a Diverse Community
At ME, we envision a thriving community where all persons are afforded an active voice and a transparent and timely mechanism to address their concerns or views. The department is further guided by the Clemson University CEBA office, which boasts over 30 programs and initiatives, plus 7 committees.
ME Town Hall
The ME Department hosts a Town Hall the Thursday of week 12 of every semester between 6-7 PM at Fluor Daniel Engineering Innovation Building 132. What should you expect when attending the Town Hall? At the Town Hall, the committee and/or the Department Chair will update all attendees on the efforts of the department. A variety of initiatives will be implemented to spark group conversation about important current topics.


Diversity Doctoral Fellowship
The Diversity Doctoral Fellowship Award provides limited funding to increase the enrollment and retention of underrepresented domestic doctoral students of color pursuing the professoriate.

SREB-State Scholars
The SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program is designed to provide professional development opportunities and offers awards to students pursuing Ph.D.s and planning to become college professors.

SC ILG Scholarship
The SC ILG Scholarship Awards Program is designed to provide professional development opportunities to its members while also preparing the next generation of practitioners in the field.

Division of Community, Engagement, Belonging and Access
- Harvey and Lucinda Gantt Multicultural Center
- Clemson University Commissions
- Accessibility Commission
- Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi-American Commission
- Commission on the Black Experience
- Commission on Latino Affairs
- LGBTQ Commission
- Veterans Commission
- Commission on Women
- TIGERS ADVANCE at Clemson University
Upcoming Events
The primary goal of the Clemson University CEBA Office is to promote an inclusive and supportive community on campus. Regular events include keynote speakers, festivals, and thought-provoking documentaries and discussions.
Make Your Voice Heard
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has several ways to reach out, speak up, and voice your concerns. The ME office manager can assist by email and phone. Clemson University offers additional ways to connect via the CEBA Office and the Office of the Ombuds.
What should you expect after sending your email? The email is sent to the ME Office Manager, who will acknowledge receipt and contact the ME DEI committee. The DEI committee will decide the course of action, and the Office Manager will contact you to follow up. Expect acknowledgment of receipt of your email within two business days and follow-up communication within five business days.
- A description of the incidence/situation/feedback
- The best way for us to contact you back, i.e., by email, meet online, or schedule an in-person meeting
Call 864 656-2482. You will be contacting the ME Office Manager directly. Depending on the situation, the ME Office Manager will likely ask for an email with all details.
What should you expect when making your call? For most occasions, immediate contact with the ME Office Manager. Your call will not be recorded; hence, expect to be asked to send an email to the Office Manager with a description of the incidence/situation/feedback. After sending your email, you can expect a similar process to that detailed above.
University Channels
If the channels provided above do not fit your needs, please reach out to other units on the campus.
- Office of the Ombuds – a place for anonymous feedback
- Office of Inclusion and Equity – Call 864 656 4238.
- Office of Access and Equity - 864 656 3181 (223 Brackett Hall).
- Employees – HR Front Desk. Mention the issue, so they recommend the course of action – Call 864 656 2000