Dynamics and Controls
Dynamics and controls seek to model, analyze, and regulate the behavior of dynamical systems. These dynamical systems may be physical such as mechanical, electrical, economic, social, and so forth. The study of dynamics and controls has numerous engineering applications, which are often interdisciplinary.
Research Topics
- Autonomy, Robotics, and Human-Robot Interaction (Lv, Tallapragada, Vahidi, Vaidya, Velni, Wagner, Wang): studies the modeling, control, decision-making, motion planning, human-machine interface, and learning for robots when they work autonomously and/or together with humans in structured and unstructured environments. The robots can be ground/air/underwater mobile robots, soft robots, manipulators, exoskeletons and prostheses, etc.
- Dynamics of the Continuum and Intelligent Structures Bostwick, Tallapragada): encompasses research in dynamics of structures, soft matter and fluids together with the interaction of complex geometries and engineered material properties to applications ranging from unconventional robotic mobility, 3D bioprinting, micro-robotics, lightweight and reconfigurable smart structures, and mechano-intelligence. Research in this theme connects theoretical and fundamental dynamics, structural mechanics and fluid mechanics with novel applications.
- Data-driven Analytics of Dynamics, Control and Optimization (Lv, Tallapragada, Vaidya, Velni, Wagner, Wang): ) investigates the use of methods and tools from machine learning, artificial intelligence, and linear operator theory for preventive maintenance, predictive diagnostic, model learning, estimation, and control of dynamical systems with applications to engineering problems.
- Optimization and Control of Uncertain Systems (Kelkar, Vaidya, Velni): investigates the design of algorithms and control methodologies for solving optimization and control problems in the presence of uncertainty. Algorithms are developed for solving robust and stochastic optimization problems and robust control design in the presence of adversaries and disturbances with application to engineering systems.
- Mechatronics and Systems Integration (Wagner): explores the design and integration of sensors, actuators and real-time computer control into multi-domain dynamic systems for greater functionality and improved performance. Applications include transportation systems, wind turbines, robotics, intelligent HVAC systems, etc.
- Cyber-physical Systems and Networked Multi-agent Systems (Vaidya, Velni, Wang): integrate computing, communication, and control to achieve desired performance of physical systems. Networked multi-agent systems is one example of cyber-physical systems where a team of connected agents (robots, humans, computing nodes, etc.) works together to achieve a common goal.
Labs & Centers
- Applied Dynamical Systems Laboratory
- Assistive Robotics Laboratory (ARL)
- Distributed Intelligence and Robot Autonomy (DIRA)
- Efficient Mobility via Connectivity and Control (EMC2) Laboratory
- Interdisciplinary and Intelligent Research (I2R) Laboratory
- Mechatronic System Design Laboratory
Graduate Courses
- ME 4170/6170 & ME 4171/6171: Mechatronics (with Laboratory)
- ME 4930/6930: Driver & Automotive Safety
- ME 4930/6930: Vibration
- ME 6500: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
- ME 8200: Modern Control Engineering
- ME 8210: Advanced Control Engineering
- ME 8220: Optimal Control
- ME 8230: Control Systems Engineering
- ME 8460: Intermediate Dynamics
- ME 8930: Advanced Nonlinear Dynamics
- ME 8930: Asymptotic Perturbation Methods
- ME 8930: Introduction to Robotics and HRI
- ME 8930: Robot and Multibody dynamics
Bostwick, Joshua
(864) 656-5625
jbostwi@clemson.eduKelkar, Atul
(864) 656-5620
atul@clemson.eduLv, Ge
(864) 656-7291
glv@clemson.eduTallapragada, Phanindra
(864) 656-5643
ptallap@clemson.eduVahidi, Ardalan
(864) 656-4718
avahidi@clemson.eduVelni, Javad
(864) 656-0139
javadm@clemson.eduVaidya, Umesh
(864) 656-7471
uvaidya@clemson.eduWagner, John
(864) 656-7376
jwagner@clemson.eduWang, Yue
(864) 656-5632