9th Annual Summer CI + UR Showcase
All Summer CI + UR students will present their research at the Summer Showcase, August 19. Any Clemson undergraduate that participates in a summer REU is welcome to present at this event.Submit your abstracts no later than July 25, 2025.
August, 19 at the Watt Atrium
Session 1: 10 AM - 11 AM
Session 2: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Session 3: 1 PM - 2 PM

Summer CI + UR Showcase 2024 Digital Program
More than 140 students are presenting at this year's Summer Showcase.
Read more about their projects and see some of their posters in the digital program.

Presenter Information
Interactive digital presentation requirements
- In order to use the digital displays for your poster, you must have interactive content, videos, or motion graphics.
- Creative Inquiry will provide web space and templates for your poster display upon request. You may also supply your own digital content.
- We will NOT display static images or PDFs on digital displays.
- Links are due to ciinfo@clemson.edu no later than August 16, 2024.
- Digital poster presenters are required to participate in a test run of their presentations on the Watt screens prior to the Showcase.
Poster requirements
- Poster dimensions must be 48" x 36". Preferred orientation for posters is horizontal.
- Easels, posterboards and clips will be provided.
Presenter responsibilities
- Print your own poster (allow at least 48 hours to print)
- Size final posters 3’x4’ (portrait or landscape) and save as a PDF.
- Print to the library plotters. See https://ccit.clemson.edu/support/current-students/printing-plotting/ and click the Job Ticketing link under Plotting.
- TALK TO YOUR CI MENTOR, you can charge the CI project to print the poster but will need the chart string or to have your mentor plot the poster
- You may also use your personal account which allows for 1 free poster a semester
- If you are charging to the CI project you will need to do the following and submit to your mentor’s department accountant
- The backup paperwork acceptable is a PDF of the Print Usage Report for userID that highlights the one poster printed to be charged to the CI account.
- Whomever logged on and sent the poster to the plotter can access the Print Usage Report:
- Go to papercut.clemson.edu and log in
- In left margin, click on Recent Print Job
- In the bottom left corner there is a link to Export/Print as a PDF/HTML or CSV doc
- The Printing & Plotting desk is located on the 2nd floor of the Cooper Library, just to the right of the main stairwell. Plotting hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 6:00. Contact: ithelp@clemson.edu, or by phone/text at (864) 656-4766.
- If necessary, trim your poster to fit on a 3’ x 4’ backboard.
- Bring your poster to the Watt Center on August 20:
- If you are in Session I, arrive by 10:30 a.m. and neatly clip your poster to the assigned poster board or ensure that digital posters are up and functioning.
- If you are in Session II, arrive before 11:30 p.m. and neatly clip your poster to the assigned poster board or ensure that digital posters are up and functioning.
- Stand with your poster during your assigned session.
- Business professional dress and behavior are required.
- Print your own poster (allow at least 48 hours to print)
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Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research
Copyright © Clemson University
Creative Inquiry + Undergraduate Research | Watt Family Innovation Center 405 S. Palmetto Blvd, Suite 303 Clemson, SC 29634-5733