The Great Hall
The hub of the Honors Community! This is where we host many Honors events, and is also a good place to study and connect with other students.
The Honors Center is for Clemson Honors students to enjoy to the fullest. Its spaces are open for use 24 hours a day.
Enjoyment of the Center is an "honor" that we hope students savor during their time at Clemson! Members of the Honors community enjoy many benefits, including courses designed only for Honors students, free coffee, free printing, and free tickets to cultural events.
The hub of the Honors Community! This is where we host many Honors events, and is also a good place to study and connect with other students.
Spaces for Honors courses and seminars, where you'll learn from Clemson's top professors.
Quiet spaces for you to study on your own or with your fellow Honors students, including three study rooms and the Honors Library.
Open to all Honors students for their use, regardless of whether they're living in the Honors Residential College, and conveniently close to where they'll find their free coffee and printing.
The Honors Center is a shared space that is available to all Clemson Honors students and for events and programs associated with the Honors College.
All spaces are booked on a first come, first reserved basis.
Study Room sign up sheets are posted outside every study space available for booking.
Study rooms can be reserved in 30 minute blocks by using the sign up sheet on the door of each room. Rooms can be reserved for no more than two consecutive hours.
Classrooms/Seminar rooms can also be reserved (if available) for group meetings and studying. Email those booking requests to: reservehonorsspace@clemson.edu.
Events booked in the Great Hall must be sponsored or delivered by Clemson Honors or its affiliated groups – the National Scholars Program, Office of Major Fellowships, or Faculty-in-Residence.
Beyond the events delivered by the Honors College or affiliated groups, the Great Hall is available for events where the co-sponsorship is initiated by the Honors College or through the leadership of another academic college.
Please provide at least one week's notice when making your reservation.
If you book the Great Hall, you are responsible for returning it to the state it was in before you set up for your event, including ensuring it is clean.
Please do not remove furniture from the room.
The library is always open for quiet study, research, and reading.
Please keep conversations low and to a minimum.
All Honors spaces are to be used for events and programs associated with the Honors College. Honors college staff and faculty have priority for use of the rooms. Except as otherwise indicated, all Honors spaces are used on a first come, first served basis. Reserved spaces will be posted in advance for your information.
Honors classes have priority scheduling for the Great Hall and the Classrooms/Seminar rooms, but they can also be used for group meetings and studying. Honors College staff also use these spaces.
The work room and kitchen are open to you 24 hours a day, but CLEANING UP after yourself is required. If the kitchen has been reserved for an event, this will be posted.Every student is expected to comply with Clemson University rules and state and local laws regarding alcohol and tobacco use.
Keep all areas clean and safe.
Clean up after yourself/your event - leave no trash, leave no messes.
You are responsible for the behavior of yourself and your guests!
Do not remove furniture from the room it is in.
Failure to comply with general rules of the Honors Center may result in loss or suspension of use and/or referral to the University conduct office.
Report any issues to Jenny Wirtz.
The Clemson Honors printer (Aficio SP 8300DN), located in Room 164 of the Honors Center, is free for Clemson Honors students to use.
Download the University's PaperCut software onto your computer (scroll down the page until you see the PaperCut option) to access the Honors College printer. This software also allows you to access other printers across campus.
After you print, your TigerOne balance may appear, but shouldn't reflect a payment. If you can't find the printer in the system or have trouble printing, please contact the IT Help Desk.
More information about printing, including other printer locations (printing fees may apply), is also available on the Printing and Plotting website.