Welcome Week
Welcome to Clemson!

Every year, Clemson Honors offers various activities, meetings, and programs to welcome our incoming Honors students.
Helping you get started.
Watch your email for messages from Londan Means Charley, our Director of Advising and Student Development, with details about planned activities and events to get you acclimated to campus, including the Honors Center.
Watch Your Portal for Event Information
Honors College events are listed on your Clemson Admissions Portal. We encourage you to check it frequently, so you don't miss important updates.
Honors Canvas Workgroup
Every Honors student has access to the Honors College Canvas workgroup. If this is your first year as a Clemson Honors student, watch your email for details about accessing the group in your Canvas dashboard.
The "Modules" section of the Canvas workgroup contains Honors First-Year Meeting modules. It is VERY important that first-year Honors students work through the modules. This module will remain available for the entire academic year, should you need to refer to it in the future.
Mandatory First-Year Welcome Meetings
Before your first week on campus, you will receive an email to your Clemson email address from the Honors Advising Team with the date/time of the first-year welcome meeting you have been assigned to attend.
Please be sure to attend the meeting you have been assigned to. Participation is mandatory and we will be taking attendance at each meeting.
If you have questions or concerns about welcome week, please email the Honors Advising Team at honorsadvisors@clemson.edu.