Our Traditions
Community Events
Halloween Party
We get creative with our Halloween celebrations! A few years ago, we turned the Honors Center into a giant CLUE game, complete with a ballroom (The Great Hall), a conservatory (one of the classrooms), and a Library (the . . . Library).
Two years ago, we held a monster's ball that included escape rooms, a haunted cemetery, and much more.
Last year we turned the Honors Center into Area 51, including Martian invaders.
Want to know what we have in store for the future? Stay tuned!

Valentine's Day Events
Our Valentine's Day events are also creative and focused on either learning about love or sharing it with members of our community.
This year, our Faculty-in-Residence worked with the Honors Community Service Group and other students to create Valentine's Day cards for individuals in local care facilities.
In previous years, some of our most talented and popular Clemson professors gave lectures that showed us that Cupid has an academic side.
What have our Valentine's Day lectures looked like?
- 2017 - "The (Algo)Rhythms of Love: Why Nerds Make the Best Romantics" (Dr. Brian Dean, School of Computing)
- 2018 - "Gut Feelings: Bacteria Cause Infection – and Infatuation??" (Dr. Kristi Whitehead, Department of Biological Sciences)
- 2019 - "Sex Ed: Don't I know This Stuff Already?" (Dr. Bruce King, Department of Psychology)
- 2020 - "Hey Baby: A Valentine's Day Lecture on Love and Communication (Dr. Andrew Pyle, Department of Communication)

Piano Jam, Jazz Jam, Speakeasy
Our students love to share their artistic talents! In the fall, come make music with us at the annual Piano Jam. Classical, country, rock, whatever you enjoy, come perform for us! Piano not required – any instrument (including voice) welcome!
In the spring, everyone who plays jazz is invited to perform a night of improv. Piano, sax, guitar, brass – they all come out to make the Great Hall ring with fabulous sound.
Last year we added a "Speakeasy" night to the lineup. Honors students read their own creative works, or something by their favorite author. Poetry, comedy, drama – you name it. One student even read an email (don't ask!).

Historical Eats
Once per semester, our Faculty-in-Residence recreate a recipe from the past.
Students have the opportunity to learn about the history of the recipe and then sample them.
In 2020, we enjoyed pound cake from the 1800s and switchel (a historical energy drink).
In 2021, our Faculty-in-Residence hosted an ice cream social.
Look out for more Historical Eats to come!

The Great Honors Bake Off
During the Spring 2021 semester, our Faculty-in-Residence hosted the inaugural Great Honors Bake Off in honor of Pound Cake Day (March 4).
Honors Faculty baked their own versions of pound cake and students sampled each and voted on the winner.
The Great Honors Bake Off is hosted once per semester.