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group of ffa members stanwooden sign in a wooded area at the entrance of the south carolina ffa leadership center ding on a bridge smiling
Cooperative Extension: SC Agricultural Education

High School Summer Camp

ffa agricultural education

Week 1 - June 2-6, 2025 
Week 2 - June 9-13, 2025 
Week 3 - June 23-27, 2025

Open March 1, 2024

$210.00/Individual with 2 Nightlife Adventures
$160.00/Individual without Nightlife Adventures

Under 3-Week Cancellation Fee: If you cancel under 3 weeks before the start of camp or are a no-show for camp, you will be charged full price for registration. We recommend filling spots in your chapter to avoid this fee and give more students a chance to experience camp.

group of students on the shore, holding paddles and standing behind a kayak

We want to see YOUR high school students this summer! There are 3 opportunities for you to engage your students in leadership, teamwork and effective conflict resolution. They will overcome challenges using these important skills. Your students will be engaged and leave better prepared for whatever challenges come their way!

Participants can expect:

  • Paintball

  • Low Ropes

  • Beach Activities

  • Dodgeball

Learning Objectives Covered

Encourage self-confidence at an early age through leadership development opportunities

Using a variety of challenges, we will introduce your students to concepts that are important for a successful team.

We will utilize challenging elements on our lowropes style course. These elements will help students develop and use the team and leadership concepts that they are learning.

Identifying effective leadership, teamwork, and conflict management skills

Demonstrate leadership, teamwork and conflict management to build a tower using given supplies

Utilize effective communication skills to avoid and/or practice conflict management

SC FFA Leadership Center
SC FFA Leadership Center | 1069 FFA Circle Drive, N. Myrtle Beach, SC 29582