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South Carolina Agricultural Education

Constitution & By-Laws

Article I – Name and Purpose

Section A: The name of this organization shall be the South Carolina Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association Members are hereinafter referred to as “Young Farmers and Agribusinessmen” Section B: The Purposes for which this association is formed are:

1. Aid and interest adults through a systematic and organized educational program to become satisfactorily established in farming or agri-business occupations.

2. Cooperate with all agencies and organizations whose objectives are the improvement of the economic, educational, and social conditions of farm life and inform members of the services provided by such agencies and organizations.

3. Develop abilities in parliamentary procedure, conduct of meetings, public speaking, and other rural leadership activities.

4. Provide wholesome social and recreational activities.

5. Keep the membership informed of desirable farm and agri-business opportunities.

6. Keep the membership informed on measures affecting the welfare of agriculturalists on local, state, national, and international levels.

7. Plan and render worthwhile community services based on the needs of the community.

8. Promote, plan and improve farm family living.

Article II – Organization

Section A: The South Carolina Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association is a State organization for out-of-school young people who are engaged in agriculture. It shall consist of affiliated local chapters that are chartered by the State Association and organized in conformity with its constitution and by-laws.

Section B: Chapters of the Young Farmer and Agribusiness shall be chartered only in schools where recognized systematic instruction is offered for Adult Agricultural Education groups under the State Agricultural Education Provisions.

Section C: The State Supervisor of Agricultural Education shall be the advisor of the South Carolina Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association.

Section D: The local teacher of agriculture education shall be the advisor for the local chapter of The Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association.

Section E: The fiscal year for this association shall be January 1 to December 31.

Section F: Local chapters may become and remain affiliated with the State Association by complying with the procedures outlined in the by-laws.

Article III - Membership

Section A: The membership of this association shall be of two kinds:

  1. Active
  2. Honorary

Section B: Active Membership

Any young farmer over sixteen years of age who is out- of- school and enrolled for organized systematic instruction in an Adult Agricultural Education class is eligible to become an active member of a local chapter of the Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association upon receiving a majority vote of the members at any local chapter meeting.

Section C: Honorary Membership

Individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association and to the general improvement of agricultural conditions in the State may, upon recommendation of the State Executive Committee, be elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of the delegates present at any State Convention.

Article IV – Officers

Section A: The officers of the Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association shall be: President, President-Elect, a Vice-President from each supervisory district, treasurer and advisor. Officers of this association shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the delegates assembled in the annual State Convention of the Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association except the State Advisor shall be the State Supervisor of Agricultural Education. A member of the state supervisory staff shall serve as Executive Director.

Section B: Honorary members shall not vote or hold any office.

Section C: Elected officers of the Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association, the retiring President, and the State Advisor shall constitute the State Executive Committee. This committee conducts the business of the association in accordance with action taken in State Conventions.

Article V – Meetings

Section A: A convention of the Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association shall be held annually at a time and place to be determined by the State Executive Committee.

Section B: Two delegates from each chapter in good standing shall be elected annually from the active membership to represent the chapter at the State Convention.

Section C: The delegates from a majority of the chartered chapters in the State shall constitute a quorum, and a quorum must be present at any meeting at which business is transacted or a vote taken committing the association to any proposal of action.

Section D: A quorum for the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of the members of the committee. A quorum must be present at any meeting at which business is transacted.

Section E: Parliamentary procedure at all meetings of this association shall be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article VI – Dues

Section A: Annual membership dues in the State Association shall be fixed by the State Executive Committee, subject to approval by a majority vote of the delegates present at the State Convention of The Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association.

Section B: The dues of any local chapter shall be fixed by the Chapter Executive Committee, subject to approval of a majority vote of the active members of the chapter.

Article VII – Emblems and Colors

Section A: The emblem of the South Carolina Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association shall be: State of South Carolina – Tractor Plow – Rising Sun and with farm products around borders with the following inscription around and near the edge of the emblem: South Carolina Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association

Section B: Emblems shall be uniform in all chapters in the State.

Section C: The colors of the South Carolina Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association shall be Corn Gold and Velvet Green.

Article VIII – Amendments

Section A: Proposed amendments to the State Constitutions or By -Laws must be submitted in writing by authorized representatives of a local chapter of to the Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association the State Executive Committee at least 60 days before the Annual State Convention of Young Farmer and Agribusiness Association.

The proposed amendments then must be submitted to local chapters in the State at least one month prior to the next annual State Convention. When this procedure is followed, amendments to the State Constitution or By -Laws may be adopted at any State Convention by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present, provided they represent a quorum.


Review the South Carolina Farmer and Agribusiness Association By-Laws.

Download the PDF of the Constitution and ByLaws (PDF, 25.43KB)