b'PhysicsSayani Ghosh Konnagar, IndiaB.Tech., B.S., M.Tech., Calcutta UniversityEquilibria and Effective Transition Rates in Linear NetworksAdvised by Dr. Bradley S. Meyer Sayani has worked in applications of graph theory to nuclear astrophysical scenarios. She has been named the College of Science Outstanding Graduate Student of Learning for the 2023-2024 academic year. She is going to join Chapman University as a GCI postdoctoral Fellow this fall.Nawraj Sapkota Belauri, NepalB.S., M.S., Tribhuvan University; M.S., University of LouisvilleElectrochemical Characteristics of Bio-Derived and Silicon-Based Materials for Lithium Ion and Lithium Sulfur BatteriesAdvised by Dr. Apparao M. Rao Nawraj Sapkota was named the physics departments Outstanding Graduate Researcher for 2023-2024. He has eight peer-reviewed publications, another under review and three manuscripts in preparation.32'