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Contact Information

P: 864-656-3065

Campus Location

219 Hunter Chemistry Laboratory


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Profile Photo

Justin Talbot


Assistant Professor


Educational Background

Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Utah, 2019
B.S., Physics, University of Utah, 2014
B.S., Applied Mathematics, University of Utah, 2014

Profile/About Me

Dr. Talbot received his B.S. in physics and applied mathematics and his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of Utah under Prof. Ryan Steele. As a graduate student, his research specialized in vibrational structure theory where he investigated the unusual vibrational signatures of oxidized water clusters and the vibrational spectrum of the iodide-water ion, uncovering complex interactions such as tunnel splittings and Fermi resonances. As a postdoc working jointly with Prof. Martin Head-Gordon, Dr. Stephen Cotton, and Prof. Bill Miller at UC Berkeley, Dr. Talbot shifted his research towards electronic structure and nonadiabatic molecular dynamics, developing new computational methods to study ultrafast electronic and nuclear relaxations, energy transfer mechanisms, and the thermodynamics of non-covalent interactions.

Research Interests

Dr. Talbot's research group focuses on understanding molecular-level interactions through the development of computational models that integrate ab initio electronic structure theory and molecular dynamics. His research interests include understanding charge separation and recombination in solar energy catalysts, improving vibrational models for predicting thermodynamic calculations in nanoporous frameworks which are crucial for sustainable gas separation, and developing new computational methods for simulating the spectroscopic signatures of coupled electronic and nuclear dynamics.

Courses Taught

Computational Chemistry (CH 8380)

Honors and Awards

ACS Student Chapter TA Award, 2015
DOW Industrial Scholar Award, 2014
Hypercube Scholar Award in Computational Chemistry, 2013


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Contact Information

P: 864-656-3065

Campus Location

219 Hunter Chemistry Laboratory


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.