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News and Events

Department Conferences

The Department of Chemistry at Clemson University typically hosts several conferences each year. Clickling the link of the event will open a web page specific to that conference.


Conference Schedule

Upcoming Conferences

The Department of Chemistry is holding the 2023 Annual Chemistry Department Research Symposium from 9 a.m.–noon Feb. 25 on the Clemson University campus. The purpose of this event is to share the research and accomplishments of the last year with each other and the larger Clemson community that we are a part of. Prospective graduate students are also invited to the event as a means for them to learn about the research in the department and to interact with our graduate students. Alumni, representatives from local industry and students from local public schools are also encouraged to attend. The symposium will feature posters presented by graduate students from each research group in the department, as well as undergraduate students and students from schools in the surrounding area.


Department of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry | 219 Hunter Chemistry Laboratory, Clemson, SC 29634