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Research Overview


The chemistry program is one of the largest and most active on the Clemson campus. More than 20 faculty members direct the research of about 100 graduate students, with the assistance of about 15 postdoctoral and visiting scientists. In addition, several faculty members are primarily engaged in undergraduate instruction and chemical education research. Faculty also manage the department’s Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Resource Center, Molecular Structure Center and computing resources.

The research activities of the faculty include projects in the traditional areas of analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry as well as a very broad range of interdisciplinary and nontraditional areas — polymer and materials chemistry, solid-state chemistry, bioanalytical chemistry, bioorganic and medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry, chemical physics, chemical education and other areas.

To find out more about a faculty member and their work, visit the People page or expand the accordions, below.


Research Areas and Resources

Faculty Research

Learn more about our faculty, including research-active professors. To connect with faculty, visit our departmental directory page.

Department of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry | 219 Hunter Chemistry Laboratory, Clemson, SC 29634