Research Facilities
The Clemson University Department of Chemisty is housed in the Howard L. Hunter Chemistry Laboratory, which includes more than 50,000 square feet of laboratory space for research and teaching. One of the finest research facilities in the Southeast, this building was completed in 1987 and accommodates about 100 graduate students, postdoctoral scientists and visiting scientists. It includes a satellite chemistry library that houses the field’s most important journals and supplements extensive holdings in the University’s central library.
Several chemistry research groups also occupy space in other on- and off-campus buildings.
The department maintains a broad range of multiple-user instruments for chemistry research. Major research instrumentation holdings include three Fourier-transform NMR spectrometers; X-ray powder, single-crystal and thin-film diffractometers; an electron spin resonance spectrometer; gas chromatography/mass spectrometer systems; a thermal analysis system; and additional state-of-the-art equipment maintained by individual faculty in support of research programs or through research partners.
Facilities and Capabilities
Expand the accordions, below, to learn more about the capabilities of the facilities used by the Clemson University Department of Chemistry.
- Computational Facilities and Capabilities
- Laser Facilities and Capabilities
- Magnetic Resonance Facilities and Capabilities
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer
- Microscopy Facilities and Capabilities
- X-Ray Facilities and Capabilities
- Biosystems Research Complex
- Advanced Materials Research Lab