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P: 864-656-3065

Campus Location

219 Hunter Chemistry Laboratory


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Profile Photo

Olt E Geiculescu


Senior Lecturer

Assistant Research Professor

Hunter Hall 271 [Office]

Educational Background

M.S., Chemical Technology, University Polytechnica Bucharest, 1981
M.S., Chemica Engineering, Clemson University, 2006
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University Polytechnica Bucharest, 2000
Ph.D., Chemistry, Clemson University, 2004

Profile/About Me

Dr. Geiculescu graduated from University “Politehnica” of Bucharest with a B.S./M.S. degree in Industrial Chemical Technology, field Organic Chemistry Technology, then later on earned a M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Clemson University, a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from “Politehnica” University of Bucharest under Prof. Floarea Octavian, and a Ph.D. in Chemistry, from Clemson University in 2004 under Prof. Stephen Creager.

Research Interests

Worked first as a process chemical engineer at the Petrochemical Plant Brazi, Ploiesti, Romania, for several years where he supervised and improved the implementation of Methanol-to-Gasoline (MTG) and Methanol-to-Olefins (MTO) technologies for synthetic fuels preparation in a pilot-scale plant, which resulted in the successful completion of several research reports for synthetic fuels synthesis.
After that, for 8 years as a scientist at the Chemical and Biochemical Energetics Institute (IECB), later ZECASIN S.A., Bucharest, Romania, he studied the thermodynamics and kinetics of modified Fischer-Tropsch (FT) processes using inferior coal (lignite) or biomass as raw materials to produce liquid hydrocarbons rich in ?-olefins or gasoline-like mixtures or BTX. Also, he supervised the design and experimentation of the lab-scale installation for the above processes and organized and participated to the development of two pilot-scale plants using FT processes.
At Clemson Olt Geiculescu spent several years of postdoc with Prof. D.D. DesMarteau and Prof. S.E. Creager continuing the work on novel lithium sulfonimide salts-based electrolytes (solid polymer electrolytes, ionic melts and ionic liquids) for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for hybrid/electrical vehicles that started in his graduate years. In 2009 started as a research professor 2-year collaboration with General Motors on novel partially fluorinated electrolytes (vitreous binary eutectics) and fluorinated additives (lithium fluorinated ester borates to replace LiBOB) which translated into two patent applications awarded. Also, he consulted for Michelin and Whirlpool.
The scientific activity translates into 21 journal publications, over 95 oral communications and posters at engineering conferences and scientific meetings, one book chapter (Chapter 10 in “Fluorinated Materials for Energy Conversion”, eds. T. Nakajima and H. Groult, 2005) and 7 awarded patents.

Courses Taught

As an adjunct professor he began teaching early on some seminars, labs and projects of transport phenomena at “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, and later some seminars of organic chemistry at “Dimitrie Cantemir” University. He joined the General Chemistry group in the Fall of 2012. He is actually teaching CH1010, CH1020, CH1050, CH1060, and CH3130. Also, he is teaching some General Engineering classes at the Technical College in Pendleton (EGR269 and EGR270).

Selected Publications


“A Lithium Ion Battery Electrolyte Including a Vitreous Eutectic Mixture”, Ion C. Halalay, Damon R. Frisch, Olt E. Geiculescu, Darryl D. Desmarteau, Stephen E. Creager, Changqing Lu, US Patent 8,802,301 B2 August 12, 2014

“Lithium salts of fluorinated borate esters for lithium-ion batteries”, Olt E. Geiculescu, Ion C. Halalay, Darryl D. Desmarteau, Stephen E. Creager, US Patent 8,394,539 B2 March 12, 2013

“Catalyst for hydrogenation of carbon monoxide in manufacture of ?-olefin rich liquid hydrocarbons”
C. Ciobanu, C. Teodorescu, I.L. Ilie, E. Zamfirescu, O.E. Geiculescu, A. Milea, G. Pop, G. Musca, O. Popa, RO Patent 100113 March 21 1991

“Process for selective conversion of synthesis gas into high octane gasoline”
I.L. Ilie, E. Zamfirescu, O.E. Geiculescu, C. Teodorescu, A. Milea, G. Pop, E. Pop, C.E. Munteanu, P. Tomi, V. Ciobotaru, RO Patent 96838 April 28, 1989

“Preparation process of an alkaline promoted iron catalyst for the selective conversion of the synthesis gas to ?-olefins”
O. Carp, I.L. Ilie, E. Zamfirescu, O.E. Geiculescu, C. Teodorescu, C.E. Munteanu, V. Ciobotaru, G. Pop, C. Ciobanu, RO Patent 97225 November 29, 1988

“Process for selective conversion of synthesis gas into a mixture rich in aromatic hydrocarbons”
I.L. Ilie, O. Carp, E. Zamfirescu, O.E. Geiculescu, C. Teodorescu, C.E. Munteanu, V. Ciobotaru, G. Filoti, V.C. Spanu, E. Pop, G. Pop, P. Tomi, RO Patent 96839 November 14, 1988

“Preparation of a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons with high ?-olefins content”
C. Ciobanu, I.L. Ilie, P. Tomi, E. Zamfirescu, O.E. Geiculescu, O. Carp, A. Milea, G. Pop, G. Musca, RO Patent 95052 December 26, 1987


“Novel binary deep eutectic electrolytes for rechargeable Li-ion batteries based on mixtures of alkyl sulfonamides and lithium perfluoroalkylsulfonimide salts”, O.E.Geiculescu, D.D. DesMarteau, S. E. Creager, O. Haik, D. Hirshberg, Y. Shilina, E. Zinigrad, M.D. Levi, D. Aurbach, I.C. Halalay, Journal of Power Sources 307, (2016): 519-525

“Solid Polymer Electrolytes from Lithium (Perfluorovinylether)Sulfonate - Derived Salts
Dissolved in High-Molecular-Weight Poly(ethylene oxide)”, Olt E.Geiculescu, Milena Stanga, Walter Navarrini, Stephen E. Creager, Darryl D. DesMarteau, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 183, (2016): 14-22

“The Effect of Low Molecular Weight Polyethers as Plasticizers on the Transport Properties and Rheology of Fluorosulfonimide Ionic Melts”, O.E. Geiculescu, B.B. Hallac, R.V. Rajagopal, S.E. Creager, D.D. DesMarteau, O. Borodin, G.D. Smith, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118, (2014): 5135-5143

“Mesoporous Carbon/Zirconia Composites: A Potential Route to Chemically-Functionalized Ellectrically-Conductive Mesoporous Materials”, Jung-Min Oh, Amar Kumbhar, Olt Geiculescu, Stephen Creager, Langmuir 28 (6/2012): 3259-3270

“Ionomer Binders can Improve Discharge Rate Capability in Lthium-Ion Battery Cathodes”, Jung-Min Oh, Olt Geiculescu, Darryl DesMarteau, Stephen Creager, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158 (2/2011): 1-8

“Er-doped Y2O3 Nanoparticles: A Comparison of Different Synthesis Methods”, Basak Yazgan Kokuoz, Karn Serivalsatit, Baris Kokuoz, Olt Geiculescu, Exley McCormick, John Ballato, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (10/2009): 2247-2253

“Polyether-Based Arylfluorosulfonimides as Lithium Battery Electrolytes”, M. Herat, O.E. Geiculescu, R.V. Rajagopal, S.E. Creager, D.D. DesMarteau, Electrochimica Acta 54 (2009): 5877-5883

Selected Talks

“Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of New Partially Fluorinated Orthoborate Lithium Salts”, Olt E. Geiculescu, Stephen E. Creager, Darryl D. DesMarteau, 43rd ARA Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 10-13, 2019

“From Ionic Melts to Ionic Liquids to Deep Vitreous Eutectics”, O.E. Geiculescu, S.E. Creager, J. Thrasher, D.D. DesMarteau, International Conference on Fluorine Chemistry (155 CFC, JSPS), Himeji, Hyogo, Japan, May 22-24, 2019

“New Electrolytes for Rechargeable Litium-Ion Batteries Based on Fluorinated Sulfonimide Lithium Salts”, O.E. Geiculescu, E.C. Mladin, S.E. Creager, D.D. DesMarteau, 41st ARA Meeting, Sinaia, Romania, August 2-5, 2017.

“Electrochemical Performance of Vitreous Eutectic Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries”, Mikhael D. Levi, Yuliya Shilina, Doron Aurbach, Olt E. Geiculescu, Darryl D. DesMarteau, Ion C. Halalay, Abstract 1224, 222nd ECS Meeting, Honolulu, USA, October 7-12, 2012

“Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Fluorinated Orthoborate Salts as Additives for Li-Ion Battery Electrolytes”, Mikhael D. Levi, Valentina Borgel, Doron Aurbach, Olt E. Geiculescu, Darryl D. DesMarteau, Stephen E. Creager, Ion C. Halalay, Abstract 1242, 222nd ECS Meeting, Honolulu, USA, October 7-12, 2012

“Lithium Fluorinated Orthoborate Salts for Li-Ion Battery Electrolytes”, I.C. Halalay, O.E. Geiculescu, S.E. Creager, D.D. DesMarteau, V. Borgel, M.D. Levi, D.A. Aurbach, Abstract BAT-05, Kettering Forum, Warren, MI USA, March 12, 2012

“Novel Vitreous Eutectic Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries”, I.C. Halalay, O.E. Geiculescu, S.E. Creager, D.D. DesMarteau, Y. Shilina, M.D. Levi, D.A. Aurbach, Abstract BAT-10, Kettering Forum, Warren, MI USA, March 12, 2012

“Electrolyte Incorporation into Zirconia/Carbon Composite Electrodes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells”, Jung Min Oh, Jiyoung Park, Amar Kumbhar, Olt Geiculescu, Stephen Creager, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA, January 9-13, 2012

“Ionomer Binders Can Improve Discharge Rate Capability in Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes”, J. Min Oh, O. Geiculescu, D. DesMarteau, S. Creager, Abstract 132, 219th ECS Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 1-6, 2011

“Novel Ionic Liquids for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Organic Eutectic Mixtures”, O.E. Geiculescu, Changqing Lu, S.E. Creager, D.D. DesMarteau, I.C. Halalay, Abstract 226, The 20th International Winter Fluorine Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL January 9-14, 2011

“Preparation of Nanoporous Zirconia-Embedded Carbon Composites: Novel Approach for Direct Modification of Support Substrates”, Jung M. Oh, Amar S. Kumbhar, Olt Geiculescu, Stephen E. Creager, CARBON 2010 – International Carbon Conference, Clemson, SC, July 11-16, 2010

“Ionic Liquids for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Deep Eutectic Mixtures”, Olt E. Geiculescu, Changqing Lu, Stephen E. Creager, Darryl D. DesMarteau, Ion C. Halalay, Abstract 155, 15th IMLB, Montreal, Canada, June 27 – July 2, 2010

“Low-Molecular-Weight PEG-Modified RTILs as Electrolytes for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries”, O.E. Geiculescu, Changqing Lu, R.V. Rajagopal, B.B. Hallac, S.E. Creager, D.D. DesMarteau, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, CA, January 11-15, 2010

Contact Information

P: 864-656-3065

Campus Location

219 Hunter Chemistry Laboratory


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.