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Getting Ready

Specialized teams within HR, Finance and CCIT have worked diligently to prepare for the migration of core Clemson HR and Finance processes and systems to a modern, cloud-based system – a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution. This new ERP, known as Workday@Clemson will streamline daily processes and make it easier for faculty, staff and student workers to support the University’s mission of teaching, research and service.

These Workday@Clemson teams, or workstreams, include more than 200 Clemson colleagues who have helped develop a solid foundation for the comprehensive process transformation that will empower the University to design, build, test and launch a new ERP over the next few years.

Clemson has also created a new, ERP-specific change network, which includes carefully curated Campus User Groups to assist the University in this undertaking. User Groups help to ensure faculty, staff and student workers are represented in the design, testing and training development phases of the Workday@Clemson implementation.
