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Meet the Teams

Along with our new and improved system, Workday@Clemson, we are proud to introduce the collaborative team responsible for bringing the new enterprise resource platform, Workday@Clemson, to life. This program leadership team continues to strive toward planning and implementing a functional and historic systemic initiative built on:

  • mindfulness
  • sustainability
  • accessibility
  • ease of use
  • stakeholder feedback

With a Workday@Clemson implementation team covering major factors like functional training, user guides, resources, communication and building a network community of users, and engaging with the State of South Carolina, the implementation of Workday@Clemson is designed for greater faculty and staff satisfaction.

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ERP management at Clemson University is structured to encourage communication and feedback from all affected faculty, staff and student workers. This flow of communication improves program leadership’s ability to craft an inclusive, quality experience during design, testing, training and implementation phases of the project.

Program Leadership Team

Voice of the Customer Team

Functional Workstreams

User Groups

Image of ERP Program Team leaders
Continuous process icon

Clemson University’s ERP program structure relies on an interdisciplinary approach to the comprehensive planning, analysis, communication and training that must be completed in advance of the implementation of Workday@Clemson. The Program Management Office, or PMO, continuously collaborates with specialized workstream teams in Human Resources, Finance, and CCIT to ensure that daily HR and Finance tasks are streamlined and modernized by Workday@Clemson. The PMO also leverages financial tracking and advisory committees to keep the program on target and mitigate risks. The PMO and all three workstreams also interface with the Voice of the Customer team, a group tasked with developing and distributing internal and external communication that informs workstreams and campus user groups, incorporates campus feedback, updates Clemson faculty, staff and student workers, and ultimately drives adoption of the Workday@Clemson.