I have spent over 16 years working in the digital marketing space, from being a pioneer in the early days of social to starting my own agency and even writing a book. I have loved and been curious about the marketing.
What I love about teaching is getting to bring the real-world insights I have into the classroom to empower the next generation of great marketers or at least help my students see the world around them a little differently.
In a world where technological evolution is moving faster than it ever has before, many times marketing is at the forefront of that change. I work to give my students the tools they need to stay ahead of that change and differentiate themselves from their peers.
This is some of the feedback I have gotten from my courses:
"Professor Fitzwater did a phenomenal job in this course of making it RELEVANT to the real world of digital marketing. Having taken numerous marketing courses, this was one of the few where we utilized current strategies, theories, and methodologies in class and was even able to discuss recent changes that occurred while the class was taking place. The professor also hosted a fun and engaging environment where students could have deep, logical discussions on the course material while also enjoying the time in class together. Professor Fitzwater is also incredibly passionate about his students and has a genuine care for their well-being and success. I would love to take more classes with this professor. The lectures from current industry leaders were a phenomenal addition to the course as well."
"I always saw marketing as boring advertisements. I am a creative person, which is why I majored in marketing. This class relit the fire in me of why I first chose that as my major. For that, I am forever grateful."
"Professor Fitzwater focuses on communication with his class. The classes were taught in a way were the more the class interacted, the more one could learn. Fitzwater pulls from other individuals' experiences within their job roles outside the program and incorporates that into the lesson. He also brings guest speakers in who provide valuable insights to the class topics at hand."
"Robbie is a great professor who makes the material very applicable to the business world and careers outside of school. He is very passionate about marketing which keeps class interesting and students engaged. Robbie is one of the best professors I've ever had."