Profile Information
Li-Chih Hsu

Department of History
Office: Hardin Hall 203
Ph.D., University of Kentucky (2019); MS, National Taiwan University (2010)
Geography of the Physical Environment, World Regional Geography, GIS Lab, Introduction to GIS
Research Interests
Biogeography; Biogeomorphology; Landscape dynamics; Coastal environments; Resilience theory; Geospatial Analysis; GIS and Remote Sensing applications
My research focuses on Biogeography and Biogeomorphology, utilizing Geospatial analysis to investigate coastal landscape dynamics in the context of climate change. I specialize in barrier dune topographies and mangrove dynamics, offering insights into coastal resilience and protection. My work has been published in leading journals and presented at international conferences. My ongoing research involves a large-scale geographic comparison of dune topographies and resilience properties. Building on my previous work, which established initial boundaries for barrier dune topographic state space, the next step is to incorporate additional dune topographies from other islands. This will further explore dune resilience across different regions, an essential factor in understanding the combined effects of sea-level rise and storm exposure. In addition to coastal research, recently I am also studying Land Surface Phenology (LSP) through Remote Sensing, focusing on the impact of climate anomalies on vegetation in the US and Taiwan.
Selected Professional Works
Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)
Liang L., Henebry, G. M., Liu, L., Zhang, X. and Hsu, L.C. (2021)Trends in land surface phenology across the conterminous United States (1982-2016) analyzed by NEON domains, Ecological Applications, 31(5):e02323. 10.1002/eap.2323 (SCI)
Stallins, J.A., Hsu, L.C., Zinnert, J.C. and Brown, J.K. (2020) How bottom-up and top-down controls shape dune topographic variability along the U.S. Virginia barrier island coast and the inference of dune dynamical properties Journal of Coastal Conservation 24: (SCI)
Hsu, L.C. and Stallins, J.A. (2020) Multiple representations of topographic pattern and geographic context determine barrier dune resistance, resilience, and the overlap of coastal biogeomorphic models, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 110 (3), 640–660. (SSCI)
Hsu, L. C. and Lee, C. T. (2018) The current extent and historical expansion of mangroves in the Kuantu Nature Reserve, North Taiwan, Journal of Coastal Research, 34(2), 360–372. (SCI)