Historical Perspectives on Global Security and Challenges Emphasis Area

Emphasis Area Requirements
- Regional History Courses: two courses selected from GEOG 3400, HIST 3300, HIST 3330, HIST 3350, HIST 3360, HIST 3370, HIST 3390, HIST 3410, HIST 3420, HIST 3670, HIST 3780, HIST 3820, HIST 3860, HIST 3970, HIST 4400, HIST 4710, and HIST 4880.
- Global History Course: one course selected from GEOG 3010, HIST 3070, HIST 3910, HIST 4870, POSC 3620, POSC 3630, POSC 4560, POSC 4800, REL 2010, and WS 4230.
- Diplomatic and Military History Course: one course selected from HIST 3900, HIST 3980, HIST 3990, HIST 4360, HIST 4850, HIST 4870, and HIST 4920.
- One additional course selected from the Regional, Global, or Diplomatic and Military course lists above.
- HIST 2990; and either HIST 4900 or HIST 4980.
- 12 additional credits in History. Students must take three hours each of United States history, European history, and non-Western history, and three hours of history at the 4000 level (in addition to HIST 4900 or HIST 4980). No more than six hours of 1000- and 2000-level HIST courses (in addition to HIST 2140, HIST 2150, and HIST 2990) may be counted towards the Major Requirements.
Department of History and Geography
Copyright © Clemson University
Department of History and Geography | 126 Hardin Hall, Clemson, SC 29634